Friday, July 29, 2011

Good Bye Blogger!

Blogger's been messing up on my computer, and looking all funky.  So, I'm going to be giving WordPress a whirl.  The new link, if you continue to want to follow me, is

Happy Friday!

Olivia Danielle Fanning

If you are my friend on FB, I'm sure you are laughing right now. 

Late Friday morning, I took the kids out to meet my Mom for lunch at Chick Fil-A.  She was leaving for Vegas on Sunday, and didn't think Olivia would be here before hand.  Afterwards, we did a little shopping at Kohls with my Mom.  We said good bye, and I went on my usual grocery errands.

We got back around 4:30 and got the groceries put away.  As usual, I was pooped.  I'd taken both kids with me, and we were out all day.  I figure, we're gonna do leftovers tonight because Tim was at work.

Tim got home around 7, or just before, and brought us dinner.  Yum!  But I just couldn't get comfortable.  However, didn't think anything of it, because it didn't feel any different than the way I felt for the past month or so.

Around 8, I am just not a happy camper, so I told Tim to put Nathan down to bed for me, and I was went to our room to lay down.  Within 10-15 minutes, I was in some pain - not BAD, and not regular.  Didn't think I was in labor.  Tim had come into check on me, and I said I'm in pain, but it's nothing regular.  He calls his parents to be on alert in case we needed them to come over.  Thank the Lord, they were just 5 mins. away doing security for VBS.  Another 10 or so, and the pain is BAD, not regular, but it HURTS.  So I try getting into a bath Tim had started for me, and I could barely move.  Tim calls his parents again to COME NOW.

We get to the parking lot, Tim parks, I can't move.  The Lord was really looking out for us because we had a space right up front, and all I had to do was cross over to the other side of the curb and we'd be in the entrance.  Thankfully, a nurse saw us, and ran back in to get a wheelchair.  At this point, I really didn't think I'd make it and was about to tell Tim to just carry me in, when I look up and see a wheelchair. 

I tell the nurse I am feeling pressure, and she says, "Alright, here we go!"

Honestly, it did not feel like I was in the bed for 15 minutes, and I was holding Olivia.  A wonderful batch of nurses had to deliver her, as the doctor wasn't able to get to my room in time. 

I definitely am not going to become a natural birth advocate, but I have to say, it was not as bad as all the horror stories told to me.  I think the part that "traumatized" me the most was how fast everything was.  ONE hour.  I certainly didn't think it was possible.

When the doctor came in, he nicknamed us "Fast and Furious."  I don't think I'll be able to watch that movie the same way again, lol.

At birth, she weighed 7lb 5oz, and 19 1/2 in. long.  At discharge, she was 7 lb 1/2 oz.  Today at her newborn check up, she weighed in at 7lb 12 oz, and 20 1/4 in. long!  She is a growing baby!

All in all, the Lord was watching over us.  Olivia came exactly when she was supposed to, and had His hand on the whole situation.  I am so thankful to be able to hold her.

Olivia is such a good baby.  I was expecting to be up all hours of the night, nursing her.  She is such a content little baby.  The last time I nurse her is 1, and I go to bed.  She wakes up to nurse around 5, goes back to sleep (and so do I).  From then on, she'll nurse about every 3 hours.  I just love her to pieces.  It is so strange that all this love from anticipating her arrival just suddenly explodes.

Natty and Nathan LOVE her.  Natty ALWAYS wants to hold her and see her, and kiss her, and love on her, etc...  Each time Olivia isn't where Nathan last saw her, he goes, "Uh Oh!!!  La-La?"  (He can't say Olivia yet, and calls her La-la, it's so adorable!

I feel so incredibly blessed, and so undeserving of this precious gift.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank You Ariyavatkuls!!!

Nathan woke up from his nap and was so excited to have a present to open!

He was so excited!!!

He was all about the Dinoco helicopter and going "Ka-Chow!!!" the rest of the afternoon.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Nathan!!!

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!!!!!  Time time, two years ago, your Daddy and I were patiently waiting for you to come.  I had to go in to be induced that morning.  I was so excited to get to finally hold you.  You were my little surprise.  I have always wanted to have children, but your Daddy and I never really planned out when after we had your sister, Natty.  Surprise, the day AFTER I had to have a root canal done, ON Halloween, the next evening, I found out about you!  I was beyond excited, and am still excited everyday to watch you grow into a young boy.

Some of the things I love MOST about you...
- You love cuddling with me in the morning, and when you just wake up from your naps.
- You give me the best bear hugs.
- I love that you are so excited to see me when I come home from work.
- You are an excellent helper with the dishes and laundry.
- You have my brown eyes.
- Your love for CARS and Spiderman.
- Your love for bugs and creepy-crawlies.
- Your sense of freedom and "care-free"-ness (You know NO fear at this point.)
- Your playful heart.

I could go on, and on, and on....  God knew how very happy you would make me, and blessed me with you at just the perfect time.  You have added so much to our family.  I am so excited to see you grow into your role as Big Brother to Olivia.  You are already an excellent son to your Daddy and I, and an awesome brother to Natty.

My prayer for you is that you know how much Jesus loves you.  I pray that your Daddy and I will be a good example to you of how to follow after Jesus.  Your name, Nathan Joel, means the Lord God provdies, and I pray that you come to have a saving faith and trust in Jesus, and come to experience and know just how much God loves you and provides for all your needs - just as your life has very fun filled a need in our family's lives.  Thank you for who you are Nathan, I love you so very much, and I thank the Lord EVERYDAY you are in my life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

38 1/2 weeks

Yup!  I am still preggo!  Going on 38 1/2 weeks.  I am 10 days away from my due date.  Believe it or not, I am not that anxious!  Except when Olivia is pressing on a nerve.  Overall, I've been pretty patient.  I can't say the same for everyone else though!

Somethings I've been thinking about lately...
  • Sometimes I can't help, but think back to the baby we lost when I miscarried back in August last year.  It's a mix of emotions, really.  I firmly believe Olivia has been given to us when we needed her most.  Sometimes though I find myself wondering about the baby we may have already be holding.  But then I feel guilty.  In a few weeks, it will be one year since the miscarriage.  BUT, in a few weeks, we will also be seeing, holding, and loving on Olivia.  I would never wish for anyone to go through a miscarriage, but knowing Olivia is coming, and anticipating how much love she is adding to our lives seems to cover up the sadness that always kinda lingers.
  • Work?  YIKES!  I remember returning to work after Natty.  THAT was emotionally hard.  I was a basket-case inside.  Getting to work in tears over the tears in the middle of the night.  But I adjusted, and while not easier, I think I just got used to it.  I remember returning to work after Nathan.  Emotionally AND physcially draining.  Natty will be 4 in November, and Nathan 2 in 3 days, and I still feel guilty going to work.  I cannot even begin to imagine returning to work after Olivia.  I am a little bit more at peace right now, but we shall see how I feel again the end of August.  I am scheduled to return around the second week of September.
  • Three kids?  The thought of carting around three kids really does not terrify me anymore!  I typically do take Natty and Nathan pretty much anywhere, and on any errands we have to make.  I still start leaving one home when I had further along, and it is very hard to buckle, unbuckle, lift in, lift out an energetic 2-year old.  To their credit though, Natty and Nathan are AWESOME in the store.  The thought terrifying me is squeezing the three in the back of our sedans, while we save up for a larger vehicle.  YIKES!

Some updates...
  • Dr. appointments are pretty much uneventful.  I am only 50% effaced, and not dilated to much of anything.  At this point, I had already had Natty after being dilated to 2 cm. for 2 weeks.  With Nathan, I pretty stayed at 2 -3 cm. until I was induced 2 weeks after his due date.  My next appt. is on Wednesday morning. 
  • Tim has ventured into teaching his first online course.  There have been challenging, and it is a great deal of work.  I am always worried the kid and I are too much of a distraction.  I do enjoy having Tim home than out though.
  • To pick up the slack, Tim has been at Office Max again for a month or so now.  It has been such a trial, and we appreciate your prayers.
  • Natty has been BEGGING me to go to school.  We will be registering her with CNUSD in March, as long as I continue to work.  She knows her alphabet and most of the sounds, numbers (1-10 in Spanish), shapes, can answer cause-effect, can identify what's out of place, follow patterns....I could go on and on.  She can draw a smiley face, and write out some letters.  She can also draw a few shapes.  We are just so proud of her.
  • Nathan's language has just blossomed!!!  He can speak in sentences now about 75% of the time.  He has picked up a few Spanish words (thanks of Natty and Dora & Diego).  He is very good at communicating what he needs/wants.  He has also been working hard on potty training - with no pressure from me!  I really wasn't going to start until Olivia arrived, however, he has been getting very good about telling me when he has to go.  I love watch Natty interact with him.  They are at a good stage right now, where they can play together, and talk to each other (and actually have a conversation)!
  • Hobbies....well, I pretty spend most of my free time, if any, outside.  I love, love, love being out there.  I love seeing things blossom and grow.  I have tomatoes, basil, lime tree, Muskogee tree (lavender blossoms), Calla lilies, Impatiens, Irises, and Petunias.  Natty and I planted some Clementine and Lemon seeds the other day.  The kids were enjoying some fruit, and Natty found a seed in one of her slices of orange.  The bigger surprise was that is had already begun to sprout in the fruit!  Discovered the same thing when we were squeezing lemons from Tim's grandmother one morning.  So, we'll see if they continue to grow!
That's pretty much it for right now.  I am home until I return to work off of my maternity leave.  A lot of people ask me if I'm bored.  No, I'm not.  I just feel bad I am not as mobile taking both kids out.  I do once a week, or to get groceries if Tim has to work early.  For the most part though, we stay inside in the cool A/C, or play in the backyard. 

Hopefully next time I update, I'll have Olivia to showcase!  Happy Friday!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Olivia's Shower

What better treat to have for a baby shower than.............CHEESECAKE!!!  I celebrated with some family and friends at The Cheesecake Factory, put on by some very awesome friends, Aimee and Nahomie.  Here are some pictures from the evening.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

As promised, update & pictures!

I've really been enjoying my time off.  This is my first year to really experience "summer vacation."  In the past, the school I work at was on a year round schedule.  So we'd work 3 months, get a month off.  I actually really feel like it's...SUMMER!  Besides being excited about Olivia's upcoming debut, I've just been enjoying being home...WITH the kids (SSSSOOOO miss them when I'm at work)....with Tim....getting stuff done around the house...working in my garden, and just enjoy being home.  OH!  Almost forgot (not really), I'm also getting ready for Nathan's Spiderman Bash for his 2nd Birthday.  We're having his birthday the Saturday before 4th of July, just in case Olivia comes early.  I'm kinda hoping she'll be a little late.  My maternity leave starts the day she's born, regardless of whether or not I'm off for the summer.  So, the closer she comes to when I have to go back the work, the longer I'll be able to "stay home" with her.  We shall see.  Well, as promised, here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately...

Teacher Fair
 Fun in the Bounce House
 Tim grilling his Polish sausages for Father's Day
(We had Tim's parents and mine over.)
 Happy Father's Day
 Building Forts
 Working on the backyard..
 Tomatoes flourishing....should have a crop in about a month.
 My baby lime excited it's bearing fruit!
 Fun in the pool
 Trying to keep Nathan away from my Petunias - He likes to pull the blooms off!
 Decorating Easter Eggs (out of order)
 Hosted Auntie Mollie's Surpise Sweet Sixteen!
 Being Grandpa's Buddy
 Quality Time w/ Grandma

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ta Da

Not quite the original title, but I've just been having blogger's block for the past month or so.  Don't get me wrong, there's been a lot going on that's been "blog-worthy," but I just haven't felt like it.  Anyhow, thought I'd update you all on what's going on...

  • I am 34 weeks along (officially tomorrow).  I feel irritable, and am working hard to not snap at people.  Things are bothering me more than, or just getting to me period, more than they should.  I, by no means, want to rush things though.  Olivia will come when she's ready.  But I am just plain tired, period.  Been trying to gather little things here and there for Baby Princess and getting her side of the room (will be sharing with Natty) more baby friendly. :)  I sorted through some gifts that were given and some baby clothes that were given to us, and have her side of the closet set up.  I'm very excited to go through all the baby stuff again.  I always forget how small their stuff is!  Got the carseat and carrier all cleaned up for her.  Nathan's very interested, and think it's his new toy - oh, little does he know!
  • Tim's been picking up hours at Office Max, and making up for the low enrollment this summer.  He gets to teach an online class coming up in July, and he's pretty excited about that.  I like that he'll be work at home and won't have to go in.  I am concerned with how much the kids and I will be a distraction though. 
  • Natty is just blossoming.  I am so proud of this little girl.  I cannot believe I will be registering her for kindergarden in March (2012).  It seems so far, yet so close at the same time.  I'm really having a hard time with her growing up.  She is so independent, and such a great helper to me.  She is so kind and compassionate.  Definitely can be bossy too, but it is usually in Nathan's best interest (when he gets into something that could hurt him, etc.).
  • Nathan is just ALL BOY.  He is active from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed.  Both kiddos do still take a nap, AND at the same time.  He has really been growing by leaps and bounds intellectually.  Of course, he has Natty modeling for him.  Just this afternoon, he counted to 9.  I was so proud of him.  He knows a few Spanish words, says quite a few sentences.  He is also quite the polite little guy.  I love the way he says please and thank you.  He's got the cutest lips.  He is very stingy with his kisses, but is an AWESOME hugger.  He is definitely my cuddle bug.
  • Olivia is cooking and waiting for Mommy and Daddy to agree on a middle name.  Suggestions anyone?  She is measuring a week or so ahead (like Nathan).  She is also very active (also like Nathan).  I know she will not be overlooked because she certainly will make her presence known.  She is going to fit right in with Natty and Nathan.  I can't wait to see what she looks like (secretly hoping for dark hair and eyes), but I know she will be absolutely, perfectly made when I see her for the first time.

Will post pictures soon!  (I hope!)  Promise!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Did you know this is my LAST Monday for THIS school year???  I am most definitely doing the happy dance today!!!  Of course, the students are making it "difficult," but I have a 3 day weekend coming up.  Two days with students.  One teacher workday.  And I'm OFF!!!!!!  So HAPPY MONDAY everyone!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today's Thought

What do you do when you face trials?  Ignore them?  Praying them away?  Fight with them?  Embrace them???

I don't like trials.  But God's Word does say that the testing of our faith produces endurance (James 1:3).  Does this change my perspective?  You betcha!

This has really been a year long (or longer) process, but I believe I can confidently say that this year I am definitely a stronger Christian than how I started out.

I still don't like trials, but accept them.  They have a purpose.  I've also come to realize that sometimes God takes us to our lowest of lows, just to show us how high He will take us if we let Him!

I'm again reminded of the song Blessings by Laura Story.  This excerpt, "what if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to show you're near...."  This is SO true, and I have most certainly LIVED this.  When trials come, ask yourself what the Lord is trying to show you, teach you, remind you.  When you let go, and let better be ready to see the amazing changes God will bring to you life.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What if...

Beautiful song by Laura Story, "Blessings."  This song SSSOOO very much encourages me.  She's definitely becoming one of the NEW favorite artitsts.

We pray for blessings

We pray for peace

Comfort for family, protection while we sleep

We pray for healing, for prosperity

We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering

All the while, You hear each spoken need

Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops

What if Your healing comes through tears

What if a thousand sleepless nights

Are what it takes to know You’re near

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom

Your voice to hear

And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near

We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love

As if every promise from Your Word is not enough

All the while, You hear each desperate plea

And long that we'd have faith to believe

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops

What if Your healing comes through tears

What if a thousand sleepless nights

Are what it takes to know You’re near

And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us

When darkness seems to win

We know the pain reminds this heart

That this is not, this is not our home

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops

What if Your healing comes through tears

And what if a thousand sleepless nights

Are what it takes to know You’re near

What if my greatest disappointments

Or the aching of this life

Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy

And what if trials of this life

The rain, the storms, the hardest nights

Are Your mercies in disguise

Monday, May 16, 2011


Been in a contemplative mood lately. 

Driving to work this morning, my favorite song by John Waller came on, "While I'm Waiting."  Waiting to many different people can mean many different things.  We wait in line at the grocery store, wait in the waiting room of a Dr.'s office, wait for a phone call, wait for a child to be born, wait for a transplant, wait for a loved one to be saved....wait...wait...wait....

How DO we wait?  I, for one, DO NOT like waiting for many things.  I can be patient - - sort of, when I need to be.  But, really,...I'm not a patient person.  I don't like to be idle, so being still is really a struggle for me.  I am, however, waiting for several things. 

Waiting for this school year to end...

Waiting for Olivia to arrive...

Waiting for a full time job for Tim...

Waiting for the economy to turn around...

Waiting to be able to stay home with the kids...




What should we do when we wait?  Like I said earlier, I don't like to be idle, so I try to find things to keep myself "busy."  Now I don't like to be "busy" for the sake of being busy.  BUT, when I am waiting for an answer from the Lord, I try my best to be productive. 

NOW, I still very much struggle with this.  But I try to ask myself, "Well, what can I do for the Lord, while I wait for this answer or this thing I am praying for?"  Sometimes, that in itself is exactly what the Lord is wanting to teach me.

So my little piece of advice to you , that I try to follow, is "while you're waiting" do something, find something to do, for the Lord.  You don't have to wait idlly, what good is that?  A productive "waiter" looks and sees what else needs to be done around him/her to help further God's Kingdom. 

And I believe if we seek God's Kingdom FIRST, everything else will fall into place.  So while you're waiting, don't WAIT for God to WAIT on YOU, but go ahead and make a difference to someone else.  Who knows, you could be the one that someone else is "waiting" to come along - for whatever reason.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Burnt Out and Stressed Out

Sometimes I wonder if I've got what it takes to be a public school teacher, let alone a special education teacher. 

Public schools have a really bad repuation, and I've always felt that was one of the reasons I was so drawn to them.  One of my professors (for a credentialing class) shared that if we had more Christian teachers willing to serve the public school, imagine the difference it would make!  I really took that to heart.  To be honest, I still do believe in the public school, but I also believe it is in need of much serious help.  I also still do believe it's very much a grossly neglected missions field.

The past two weeks have been trying through.  I feel like each morning I get up and find myself going against the current from 7:45 to 2:08.  We're (Christians) called to be light in this dark world, and boy does it ever feel dark here sometimes.

I've really been praying about a change in careers, but I feel convincted, and feel like I'm giving up.  If I don't do this job, then who else, and will that someone else be a believe and want to share God's love with those he/she comes across?  But then, I'm also torn with the amount of time I spend away from my own children and how exhausted I am to come home each day and still give of my time they deserve.  What do you do?  What CAN you do?

I feel at a lost.  I look at my class (thinking of a certain period in particular), and I think I may start to begin to feel how Christ did when He wept over Jerusalem.  It's so hard to admti and come to terms with thought.  I start out and I see lost children with no vision, no future.  They don't care, and they're happy/content to not care.  They talk about drugs, drinking, sexual immorality - and they think it's all ok.  Mine you, these are 8th graders.  One boy the other day shared about their family loosing their home, and about how they would trash it because, "if we can't have it, neither can the government."  I've never felt so my pain and frustration with this generation as I have this year.

A lot of families need your prayers.  A lot of our schools need your prayers.  So many people in so many positions seem to have their hands tied, and I pray that Satan's foothold would be taken away.  This is have so heavy on my heart, and I don't know what to do except cry out in frustration.  I really don't want to give up, unless the Lord makes it possible for me to be home with my kids.  At the same time, I am just one person trying to share Jesus, but sometimes I just feel like it isn't making a difference - definitely attacks from the enemy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

God is GOD

One of my new favorite songs lately...

Steven Curtis Chapman - God is God

And the pain falls like a curtain
On the things I once called certain
And I have to say the words I fear the most
I just don't know

And the questions without answers
Come and paralyze the dancer
So I stand here on the stage afraid to move
Afraid to fall, oh, but fall I must
On this truth that my life has been formed from the dust

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He's painting
God is God and I am man
So I'll never understand it all
For only God is God

And the sky begins to thunder
And I'm filled with awe and wonder
'Til the only burning question that remains
Is who am I

Can I form a single mountain
Take the stars in hand and count them
Can I even take a breath without God giving it to me
He is first and last before all that has been
Beyond all that will pass

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He's painting
God is God and I am man
So I'll never understand it all
For only God is God

Oh, how great are the riches of His wisdom and knowledge
How unsearchable for to Him and through Him and from Him are all things

So let us worship before the throne
Of the One who is worthy of worship alone

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture He's painting
God is God and I am man
So I'll never understand it all
For only God is God

I am always encouraged when this song comes on the radio.  I am reminded that whatever comes my way - troubles/trials - God is GOD, and HE is in control.  I am reminded of my role in trusting God, and letting God lead.  I am reminded of my limitations here on earth, but my limitations also remind me of how GREAT my God is.

I work in a public school, so no, I don't get Good Friday off (tomorrow).  Sometimes it's very hard to "slow down" and really reflect on what was going on 2011 years ago.  A man - God in flesh - was getting ready to die...for me!  Actually DIE for me, and I don't understand it at all, but am eternally grateful.

Nothing brings you to your knees and makes you reflect and question what you believe like raising children.  With Natty, Nathan, and now Olivia (around the end of July) in the picture, it forces me to daily reflect on what I am showing them I believe with how I live.   Holidays come and go, and I am repeated forced to reflect throughout the year, how is this relevant to who God is to them?  How do I show them who God is?  How do we not get caught up in the world?  How do we set apart ourselves as a family that follows Christ?

I've had many goals in my life, and those goals change as time does.  But one thing I am certain is that I cannot fail in showing our children how BIG our God is and lead them to experience His love, mercy, and grace in their life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Fun

Thought I'd share some fun pictures of the kids having fun while we fix up the backyard to keep you in suspense a little longer for Baby Princess's name.... :)

Tim's Computer Services

Check out my husband's computer business HERE.
  • Computer tune up
  • Diagnose computer problems
  • Virus/spyware removal
  • Software installs
  • Data back up
  • Custom-built computers

Monday, April 4, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade?

Spring break was off to a rocky start for me.  Tim found out he didn't get the job that numerous people told him was his.  So that put a kink into many of our plans.  Things just have a weird way of really twisting on you sometimes. 

Last week I really took the news OK.  I felt really bad for Tim, and wanted to be supportive.  This week has been rough.  With thinking about going back to work next week, it reminded me that I'd probably have to work longer than had planned, and that's heart breaking sometimes.

I really want to stay home.  Work is getting extremely difficult.  I really miss the kids while I'm at work, and really feel like I miss out on a lot.

There is a season for everything, and for right now, this just doesn't seem to be the season for me to stay at home with the kids.  I keep praying though.

On a positive note!  Tim and I have finally agreed on a name for Baby Princess.  I'll be sharing SOON!  :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break!

I thought it'd never come, but I am officially on SPRING BREAK!!!  Ya-hooo!!!!  We really don't have much planned for the 2 weeks I'm off besides working on our backyard and fixing that up.  I've develop a recent interest in gardening, so have been planting up a storm!  Now, a lot of my seedlings need to be replanted.  It's so exciting to watch the growth process (I'm weird, I know!).  It just makes me appreciate the small things so much more.  It also keeps me in constant awe of how God takes a little seed (dead) and grows it (gives it life).  How often do I forget how "dead" I was, before choosing to follow after Him.

I'm including some pictures below of what we've all been up to this past month or so.
Natty practing her back flip.

Dad and Nathan cheering her on (Nathan looked "thrilled.").

Part of my garden

Calla lilies and tulips

Natty getting a gymnastics award.

Natty at a Princess birthday party for a friend.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Praise Report

Baby princess and I had another ultrasound yesterday afternoon, and Praise God!!!  They found her stomach!  She is one BUSY girl!  I have my Dr. appt. on Thursday (1 week from today) to go over everything else.  Everything looks good though with measuring 1 week large.  Thank you for praying for us!

Now, we trying to "patiently" wait on the Lord to bring a response about Tim's interview he had about a week and a half ago.  :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pampered Chef Show

Are any of you consultants for any other home-based businesses like Avon, Southern Living, Partylite, etc, and need someone to host a show for you? Well, I CAN!!! I would like to trade shows with you! If you are able to host a Pampered Chef show (cooking or catalog show) for me, I will return the favor! It can be as simple as passing around a catalog for me and collecting $150 worth of orders! Message me if you are interested! If you are out of state and interested in doing a catalog order, No worries! I can mail you the catalogs!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pampered Chef Catalog Show!

Hey everybody!!!  Guess what!!!  The NEW Pampered Chef catalog came out this month!!!  That means there are 27 NEW, AWESOME products I know you are going to love.  I am in the middle of a catalog show right now (*closing next Friday*).  If you are interested in anything, please let me know!!!  My e-mail for this is

Click on the LOGO below to VIEW the online catalog!

ALSO, if you think you'd like to earn from FREE products by holding a catalog show, LET ME KNOW!  There are AWESOME hosting specials every month.  You do not have to live in Riverside OR California for that matter!  I don't mind mailing you some catalogs to pass around.  It only takes a total order of $150 (before tax and shipping) to be counted as a show.  Everything ships to YOU the host, and you just pass out the goodies to everyone!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Week at CVS!

It's Baby Week at CVS!  This week spend $25 in select baby products and get a free umbrella stroller!  Umbrella stroller is Cosco brand.

Little Movers/Snug n Dry - $20
Huggies Tub - 2/$5

I got a box of diapers and 2 tubs of wipes.  I had $17 ECB's to use, and used $3.50 off for diapers and $0.50 off for wipes.

I also got a freebie coupon in my e-mail for candy (up to $2) and got a $1 off cereal (when I scanned my CVS card).  Below is my loot...just over $6.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer Requests

It has been an exciting, but rough week!  On Friday evening, another niece was born AND we found out we are having another GIRL!!!  We are so thrilled, especially Tim, who is just over the moon!  We're still trying to agree on names. :)

I had my Doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon that did not go at all as planned.  I have to redo the ultrasound because they could not see the baby's stomach.  Now, this could be due to the baby's position or something blocking the view.  Kinda freaked me out, but will pray and wait.  My second ultrasound is in 3 weeks.  The next think I found out was that I quite possibly have a kidney stone.  When I gave my urine sample at the Dr.'s office, it was pretty much pink.  Totally freaked me out.  The doctor said there is A LOT of blood in my urine.  I'm supposed to call if there is a lot of pain so they can do a stone treatment - which I am thankful I am not in!  I've been ordered to drink A LOT of water to help dilute things.  The doctors really don't want to do much if possibly since I'm pregnant.  CAT scan is a NO because of radiation, and ultrasounds are not the most reliable to detect the stone.  SO we pray and wait... 

Work has gone from crazy to INSANE. 

Please pray I will stay calm and not let the cares of this world make me unstable.  Pray for a GOOD ultrasound of Baby Princess in a few weeks.  Pray also with this issue with the kidney stone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Sneak Peek

As promised...Here are some pictures of our Baby Princess!!!

Top - Our little princess, holding her hands up above her chest, check out that beautiful spine!

Bottom - Close up of her head, you can see her ear, eye sockets, and jaw, as well as her cute little nose.

Top - Her opened palm, waving "Hi!"

Bottom - Legs/Thighs scrunched up to her body, and part of her hand.

Top - another of her skull, the tech. was trying to get her face, but she was really bashful and just wouldn't turn!

Bottom - It's a GIRL!!!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby Princess

That's RIGHT!  We're having ANOTHER GIRL!!!

(Ultrasound pictures coming soon!)


Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Back

Made it through my first day back from Christmas break.  The day went by pretty fast, which was good.  Thankfully, I DID NOT get sick at work.  Mornings are still pretty rough.  Starbucks has these yummy artisan bread breakfast sandwiches that I LOVE.  I got quite a few Starbucks giftcards, so there's my breakfast fund!  There is a drive-thru Starbucks near us too, so it's handy for work.  And yes, to this day, I still do not drink coffee.  My order choices have now expanded from green tea frappacino tea latte (iced/hot), hot chocolate (although I didn't get one this winter because the baby didn't seem to like chocolate the first month and a half), passion iced-tea lemonade, and vanilla bean frappacino, oh, and the breakfast sandwiches of course (bacon being my fav. since the one by us doesn't have ham anymore).  I do like their so-called "perfect" oatmeal, that REALLY does seem to come out "perfect," but I just have a really hard time sacrificing for "Starbucks" oatmeal, when I can pay the same for a box of 6-8 pouches of instant oatmeal.  Well, this was my Monday!  How was yours?
 My order was paired with a VENTI Passion iced-tea lemonade....:)
Whatever gets me through my Monday!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Looking Back

2010 has certainly been a year of many, many lessons - some easy and some hard.  So much happened, and some much more is happening.  I will be the first to admit, that when trials hit, I typically pray them away.  Boy did this week's Bible study convict me.  Our Women's Study started up this week, and we are in 1 Peter.  Peter was writing to believe who were enduring far more severe trials than myself, and he reminded them that their trials would prove their faith genuine.  At first I wanted to call 2010, my year of trials.  The more I thought about it though, the more I realized, the life of a Christian is a series of trials.  If there weren't any trials, something is most certainly wrong. "resolution" this year is to be more accepting and welcoming of trials and what they bring.  

Here is a little recap of last year:

January - Tim turned 29.  We rang in the New Year with Natty, 2, and Nathan 5 mts.

February - I turned 27.  Don't really remember much else.  =P

March - We started looking for homes again, lots and lots of looking.

April - Still looking for homes, been putting in offers, but nothing accepted.

May - Finally an offer was accepted!  We entered the HORRIBLE escrow process (that I hear only happens in CA).

June - Closing date, came and gone.  Had to file for 1st and 2nd extension, and about ready to give the house up.  Our apartment complex graciously extended our stay fro 2 weeks, so we could figure out what to do.

July - Had to put in for a 3rd extension.  Packed everything up, moved in with Tim's parents for a couple weeks.  Nathan turned 1!

August - Started my 5th year of teaching, and really felt like the twilight zone, but thankful to have a job.  We moved INTO our home, and I returned to work 2 days after.  We pretty much threw everything into the garage.  But we are homeowners!!!  Towards the end of this month, we found out we were expecting a baby, but lost it at about 6-7 weeks.

September - Finally settling in a bit, and finally had Nathan's 1st birthday party in our new home.  It was a Nemo party and LOTS of fun!  Celebrated our 4th anniversary at The Melting Pot, very yummy, and highly recommended.  I believe this was also the month that Nathan sliced his wrist open, and I had to rush him to Urgent Care.  Of course, he didn't even cry once.  I sure almost did several times.

October - Had fun bringing the kids to Harvest's Annual Hallelujah Night.  Natty was a fairy, and Nathan was Rex from Toy Story.  This may also be the month that the stomach flu made its way through our entire family - started with Natty, ended with me.

November - Natty turned 3!  We threw her an Asian theme Kai lan party with noodles (Tim made himself) and dumplings, and all.  On Natty's actual birthday, I found out I was pregnant again.  We also hosted Thanksgiving this year.  It was a FULL HOUSE with my family and Tim's family over.  My wonderful sister in law and her boyfriend also helped us clean up some mess with the house.  The day after Natty's birthday party, we had big winds that had broken some huge branches off our tree in our front yard.  Imagine our surprise when we came home from church to find our front lawn covered with branches.

December - Tried to hold off telling everyone we were expecting, but the morning sickness has been VIOLENT this time around.  We celebrated Christmas in O.C (Christmas Eve), Riverside (ours in the morning and at Tim's parents late morning), and Corona (my parents for the evening).  It was quite eventful, and BOY!  Natty was REALLY into presents this year.  She got a Bible Story book this year, and keeps asking me to read from it - melts my heart.

Currently - I go back to work Monday (2 days).  Not really looking forward to it, but it's got to be done!  I've been so exhausted.  I've had 2 prenatal appointments, and the Dr. seems pleased with my progress.  I'll be 12 weeks along on Monday, and am due July 25.  Tim is teaching THREE classes this semester and has applied for a full time gig, so we've been praying for that and would appreciate your prayers too.  

What can I say, life is never boring in the Fanning Household, always something going on!!!  I know this is a pretty boring post without any pictures.  I've been so behind from being sick and tired, I just wanted to catch everyone up.  I promise pictures soon!