Monday, September 22, 2008

Steal a Cookie!

Hey guys!  Found a really cool deal.  If you like chocolate, and by chocolate I mean DARK chocolate, you need to click here, and steal your TLC Chocolate cookie right now!  Enjoy!  Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Job Security and Bible Study

Well, I've still been really struggling with the whole stay home vs. work drama. I am really thankful though. As of yesterday, I received a notice that I am officially tenured. Yes! I cannot get fired! I'll just have to quit myself! Just kidding! With the way our economy is and the way it seems to be headed, it is nice and reassuring to know that I have some sort of job security. It's comforting to know that God continues to provide for us, desprite my complaints. It is also humbling, once I start thinking about it more because I always come to the realization that I am serving my family.

I didn't understand this at first. I had served as a discussion leader for our Women's Bible Study Fellowship at Harvest for 2 years. Part way though the 2nd year was when I found out we were expecting Natty. Needless to say, it wasn't even an option to not stay home with her. I stepped down and left the spot for the Lord to call someone else. While I kinda-sorta miss it, I don't regret my decision. All the other leaders keep encouraging me too, saying, "Your family is your #1 ministry now." I really didn't understand things because I never really viewed family as a 'ministry.' It is so incredibly true though.

In my opinion, it is the MOST important ministry. We are human and we make mistakes, but my family is an area I have tried my hardest to not mess up. I don't want to mess up being a wife to Tim or mother to Natty. If I mess up with my family, I feel like I really don't have anything to show for.

Women's Bible Study started this past Thursday. In a way, I felt a little twinge, missing being up with all the other leaders. I chose to participate in a group and not lead this year. I missed being on the leader's end, being all excited about women in the group I'd meet. BUT, I discovered once I was there that I WAS excited. I was in a new group, and I AM excited about what the Lord is going to show me this year. I know it's going to be lots.

If any of you have the time, I HIGHLY recommend going to Harvest, and following the study. All lessons are archived. You will be truly blessed!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Inconsolable Longing

Got this quote of C.S. Lewis off of my Pastor's blog a few minutes ago.  All I can say is WOW and how true.....

C.S. Lewis called it “the inconsolable longing,” writing:

“There have been times when I think we do not desire heaven, but more often I find myself wondering whether in our heart of hearts, we have ever desired anything else. . . . It is the secret signature of each soul, the incommunicable and unappeasable want, the thing we desired before we met our wives or made our friends or chose our work, and which we shall still desire on our deathbeds when the mind no longer knows wife or friend or work.”

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


If you need school supplies, you need to head over to Target...NOW!  I just got back with a BUNCH of supplies for my class.  I got lined paper (0.12 each), rulers (0.06 each), 2/pack scissors (0.38 each), 3/pack glue sticks (0.38 each), clip board (0.74 each), and of course a shirt on clearance - work shirt of course - for me ($4.50).  Target totally rocks!  So rush on over to get your school supplies as well!  Oh, and I also got a 4/pack box of Kleenex for like $1.50.  Totally awesome deals!

My 2nd Anniversary

So yeah!  Today is my 2nd anniversary.  I must say I have the most fabulous husband - yeah, so I'm biased, so what!  I sure think he's pretty special.  He's the most incredible husband, and the most loving father I've ever seen.  He is so great with Natty.  So my husband gets bunches of kudos for being the most awesome husband EVER!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Babys R Us Coupon

Here's a coupon for $20 off a Graco Quattro Tour Travel System - Catalina!

Babys R Us Coupon Here


Free Glade @ Vons

Alright guys (gals), hurry to Vons! Right now, Glade aerosols are on sale for $1 each. If you hav ea $1 off coupon from Sunday ad or magazine, it's free! Also, baking mixes are on sale. I bought quite a few for under $1 (w/ coupon).

I just got back from picking up some milk and other "stuff." I used a coupon on EVERYTHING, except the milk. I saved 65% of my bill! It all originally rung up to $40+, and with coupons and Vons member discounts, I came out spending $14.16. Not bad!

Coupons Totally Blow My Mind!!!

I made a pretty neat discovery a couple days ago. So we all know there are store coupons and manufacterer's coupons (in Sunday paper). Well, I have discovered (since I'm new to the couponing thing), that "most" stores take manufacterer's coupons ON TOP of their store coupons. I was totally stoked. Yesterday I went to Target during my lunch break. I got Natty a box of wipes and a thing of head & body wash - both Huggies brand, because I love them. The totally was actually UNDER $2. I was totally excited. AND since I had the $5 giftcard from purchasing diapers from them last week, I actually spend NOTHING, and still have a little over $3 on the giftcard. Woo Hoo for coupons and Target!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So I was pretty bummed out yesterday about how my day/week had started. I was super encouraged by our Pastor's devotion this morning though. My husband and I attend Harvest Christian Fellowship, and while it's a super big church, and sometimes I feel lost, but I feel really spoiled at the gift inviduals God has put there, and the awesome Bible studies start up. Anyway, I am signed up to receive Pastor Greg's devotions everyday. I try to read them in the morning, but usually I spend some alone time during my lunch break at work. I really enjoyed this morning's devotion, and was really enouraged by it. It was on God's Will, not ours. Sometimes I don't ask for things I desire because I feel like I'm not really that worthy to be asking God for stuff, but I know now that it's ok to ask God for stuff. I think He would be more upset that I don't bring my requests to Him. He's my Father in Heaven, in whom I've chosen to put my trust in and I need to show Him that I do.

Here's the devotion below. Hope you are blessed as well.

There are some people who teach that we should never pray, "Not my will, but Yours be done," because it supposedly voids what you have just prayed for.

What nonsense. If Jesus prayed this, certainly we should follow His example.

He gave us the same pattern in the Lord's Prayer when He said, "May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). I never need to be afraid to say, "Lord, Your will be done."

Then there are those who say that we should only pray for something once; otherwise, we are demonstrating a lack of faith.

Yet Jesus taught His disciples, "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9). We give up far too easily sometimes.

We won't always know the will of God in every situation. Then there are times when we will know the will of God, but we won't like it. Finally, there are times when we will know the will of God, but we don't understand it.

I like what the late D. L. Moody said, "Spread out your petition before God, and then say, 'Thy will, not mine, be done.' " Moody concluded, "The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me."

Have you found that to be true? We must never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I suppose that kinda sums up how my week is starting out.  I hate money, and worrying about it.  It hate when it looks like we won't have enough, and know that everything is out of my control.  I am shamed to even say I hate knowing that there is nothing I can do anymore, but trust that God's going to give us what we need.  I guess deep down, I blame myself, or somehow I feel inadequate for not always making ends meet.  This is the vicious cycle I put myself through once every other week.  Why don't you just let go and trust the Lord you ask?  That's what I'm trying to figure out.  I honestly do try, and try, and try again.  I'm not perfect, so it doesn't happen most of the time.  I am trying though.  I have learned that even though many times we don't know how we'll pay all our bills, the Lord provides exactly what we need.  I have learned that even though it doesn't seem feasible to even, ever, possibly own a home of our own, God will find one that's exactly what we need.

How am I doing though?  I'm struggling, and I'm struggling because I'm tired.  I'm tired because I worry.  I worry because I'm stubborn.  Deep down I know the week will get better.  I just wish I could somehow, miraculously, get rid of all my imperfections.  But that's not my place or job is it?  It's God's. 

It's pretty quite here right now.  Natty's asleep and Tim's at work.  I take times like these to think about where I am with the Lord, what/how I need to improve, how I can be a better wife and mother, how to be a better teacher, how I can better surrender and obey....Now that I've exhausted myself, I find God's "small voice" tell me, "Just be still..."  This has become my new favorite verse - Exodus 14:14 -->  "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still."  As I've said in my earlier blogs, I started reading through the Bible on Facebook in a year.  I'm about 11% done.  It's a commitment, but I'm determined to stick to it.  Anyway, I am in Exodus, almost finish now, and that verse has rung so through in my heart and soul the past couple weeks.

Growing up, I've always been pretty independent.  I wasn't clingy, but I loved attention.  I liked having people around.  It made me feel safe and protected.  I hated being alone.  I always felt pretty lonely until college.  I recommitted my life back to Christ my Freshman year, took life more seriously, and took school more seriously.  I had a rough time in high school. I always felt I need protection and didn't get it.  I was always looking for someone to protect me, to advocate for me.  Now that I'm older, I'm married, I have a daughter, I'm quickly discovering how much of an advocate I am for my husband and my family.  Just these past couple years, I'm starting to see how I can trust God to be my advocate.  He fights for ME, and, seriously, God's so mighty I just need to get out of the way and stand back!

Well, that's my week that is slowly turning around.

In other news, Women's Bible Study starts on Sept. 18th and I'm SO excited!  I'm doing the inductive study again, and I LOVE it!  If any of you are interested in the inductive method to Bible study, I'll help you out.  I have gotten so much out of it.  Anyways, I'm waiting in GREAT anticipation for my leader to call.  This is the week - week and a half - I look forward to most (besides koinania) because I have no clue who my leader is.  When I finally get the call, we are both so excited; you can sense the excitement. 

Hope everyone's week is start out ok and getting better!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Target Paid Me to Shop There! was a FANTASTIC day to find a deal. If you notice the picture below, I actually MADE $0.50 from Target! What a steal! I'm slowly learning how to stretch our dollar just a little bit more, and maybe even make some! Oh, and tomorrow, we're getting two boxes of Huggies at Target for 25 after coupons, $5 giftcard you get for buying huggies, and 2 $5 giftcards I earned today for purchasing Kellogg's products at Target. Woo Hoo!

Needless to say, I love Target...oh, yes, and coupon-bargain shopping!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Frugal MaMa Giveaway

Check it out at:

Birthday Giveaway September 3, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — kwyman @ 10:55 pm

September 4th is my birthday, September 7th marks the first full month of One Frugal Mama and to support my first school fundraiser, let’s give something away!!! FREE

The first One Frugal Mama Giveaway will be a one year subscription to All You Magazine. Value of this freebie is unknown because no one knows just how many awesome coupons will be in 12 issues. By winning this you will also support my daughter’s school because I will buy the subscription via Reader’s Digest QSP fundraiser.

To enter this giveaway leave a comment on how you reduce, reuse, and recycle OR post a link to this giveaway on your blog. Just make sure to come back and leave a comment telling me you did so. Make sure to include your e-mail. Deadline will be on Tuesday, September 9th.


So, I finally decided to join the "Walgreens Game." I have been a shopaholic, coupon-enthusiastist, bargain scourer, and best-deal hunter for a little over 5 years now. I have my mom to thank for this. She religiously clips coupons and maintains a "coupon box" decked out with envelopes and tabs for different categories of coupons. I like to gloat though, because I still usually save more than she does. Granted, she shops for a family of 3, sometimes 4 (with 1 growing teen and a young adult with a never-filling stomach), I still save a high percentage. Anyhow, I have her to thank for my frugality.

All this had led me to continuously find ways to better save and support my husband and daughter. We have been so incredibly blesses by such an awesome God and Creator. It is my desire to find ways to be better stewards with what we have. We never have money for a lot, but we seem to always have just enough for what we need, and some!

Well, Walgreens does this FANTASTIC rebate program. There are numerous items you can get for free or close to free each month. You take your receipt, enter it online, and wait for your rebate. If you choose to file your rebate on a giftcard, you get an extra 10% back. So what I'm going to try is use that giftcard for the next month's necessities. From this month's finds, I've already "rebated" enough for a box of Natty's diapers! How cool is that! Super cool though is that Walgreens takes their store coupons in their ads along with the MFC coupons in the Sunday newspaper! Talk about S-A-V-I-N-G-S!!!!!

So, I'll update on how my Walgreens Adventure will be going. =) Later!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Isn't this WILD?!?

I've been reading in Exodus. Facebook has this nifty application where you can choose how to read through the Bible in a year. I've chosen to read it chronologically. It's been a very neat experience. Anyhow, I'm towards the end of Exodus, where Moses receives instructions for the buidling of the Tabernacle of the Covenant. Honestly, I cannot even begin to imagine how majestic it much have appeared.

Did you know....
  • They used 2193 pounds of gold = $17,697,510 today
  • They used 7545 pounds of silver = $1,569,360 today
  • They used 5310 pounds of bronze = $7,699.50 today
I just think that is totally incredible. Now I did the math myself with some comparison charts online, so this is not 100% accurate, but I just think this is wild.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank You Jesus

Sad to say, but I just do not consciously do this enough. Tim, Natty, and I all live a pretty good life, but I take for granted the way we are provided for and the nice things we have. So for now...

Jesus, I thank you...
  • that we have a strong, and healthy daughter (who hasn't gotten sick once).
  • I have a good job.
  • we have a nice apartment to live it.
  • Natty is always taken care of.
  • we have all we need to live, comfortably.
  • for a wonderful, love, and caring husband.
  • we are surrounded by people that love us.
  • for teaching us to be better stewards.
  • for always showing us compassion and forgiveness, when we mess up.