Friday, July 29, 2011

Good Bye Blogger!

Blogger's been messing up on my computer, and looking all funky.  So, I'm going to be giving WordPress a whirl.  The new link, if you continue to want to follow me, is

Happy Friday!

Olivia Danielle Fanning

If you are my friend on FB, I'm sure you are laughing right now. 

Late Friday morning, I took the kids out to meet my Mom for lunch at Chick Fil-A.  She was leaving for Vegas on Sunday, and didn't think Olivia would be here before hand.  Afterwards, we did a little shopping at Kohls with my Mom.  We said good bye, and I went on my usual grocery errands.

We got back around 4:30 and got the groceries put away.  As usual, I was pooped.  I'd taken both kids with me, and we were out all day.  I figure, we're gonna do leftovers tonight because Tim was at work.

Tim got home around 7, or just before, and brought us dinner.  Yum!  But I just couldn't get comfortable.  However, didn't think anything of it, because it didn't feel any different than the way I felt for the past month or so.

Around 8, I am just not a happy camper, so I told Tim to put Nathan down to bed for me, and I was went to our room to lay down.  Within 10-15 minutes, I was in some pain - not BAD, and not regular.  Didn't think I was in labor.  Tim had come into check on me, and I said I'm in pain, but it's nothing regular.  He calls his parents to be on alert in case we needed them to come over.  Thank the Lord, they were just 5 mins. away doing security for VBS.  Another 10 or so, and the pain is BAD, not regular, but it HURTS.  So I try getting into a bath Tim had started for me, and I could barely move.  Tim calls his parents again to COME NOW.

We get to the parking lot, Tim parks, I can't move.  The Lord was really looking out for us because we had a space right up front, and all I had to do was cross over to the other side of the curb and we'd be in the entrance.  Thankfully, a nurse saw us, and ran back in to get a wheelchair.  At this point, I really didn't think I'd make it and was about to tell Tim to just carry me in, when I look up and see a wheelchair. 

I tell the nurse I am feeling pressure, and she says, "Alright, here we go!"

Honestly, it did not feel like I was in the bed for 15 minutes, and I was holding Olivia.  A wonderful batch of nurses had to deliver her, as the doctor wasn't able to get to my room in time. 

I definitely am not going to become a natural birth advocate, but I have to say, it was not as bad as all the horror stories told to me.  I think the part that "traumatized" me the most was how fast everything was.  ONE hour.  I certainly didn't think it was possible.

When the doctor came in, he nicknamed us "Fast and Furious."  I don't think I'll be able to watch that movie the same way again, lol.

At birth, she weighed 7lb 5oz, and 19 1/2 in. long.  At discharge, she was 7 lb 1/2 oz.  Today at her newborn check up, she weighed in at 7lb 12 oz, and 20 1/4 in. long!  She is a growing baby!

All in all, the Lord was watching over us.  Olivia came exactly when she was supposed to, and had His hand on the whole situation.  I am so thankful to be able to hold her.

Olivia is such a good baby.  I was expecting to be up all hours of the night, nursing her.  She is such a content little baby.  The last time I nurse her is 1, and I go to bed.  She wakes up to nurse around 5, goes back to sleep (and so do I).  From then on, she'll nurse about every 3 hours.  I just love her to pieces.  It is so strange that all this love from anticipating her arrival just suddenly explodes.

Natty and Nathan LOVE her.  Natty ALWAYS wants to hold her and see her, and kiss her, and love on her, etc...  Each time Olivia isn't where Nathan last saw her, he goes, "Uh Oh!!!  La-La?"  (He can't say Olivia yet, and calls her La-la, it's so adorable!

I feel so incredibly blessed, and so undeserving of this precious gift.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank You Ariyavatkuls!!!

Nathan woke up from his nap and was so excited to have a present to open!

He was so excited!!!

He was all about the Dinoco helicopter and going "Ka-Chow!!!" the rest of the afternoon.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Nathan!!!

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!!!!!  Time time, two years ago, your Daddy and I were patiently waiting for you to come.  I had to go in to be induced that morning.  I was so excited to get to finally hold you.  You were my little surprise.  I have always wanted to have children, but your Daddy and I never really planned out when after we had your sister, Natty.  Surprise, the day AFTER I had to have a root canal done, ON Halloween, the next evening, I found out about you!  I was beyond excited, and am still excited everyday to watch you grow into a young boy.

Some of the things I love MOST about you...
- You love cuddling with me in the morning, and when you just wake up from your naps.
- You give me the best bear hugs.
- I love that you are so excited to see me when I come home from work.
- You are an excellent helper with the dishes and laundry.
- You have my brown eyes.
- Your love for CARS and Spiderman.
- Your love for bugs and creepy-crawlies.
- Your sense of freedom and "care-free"-ness (You know NO fear at this point.)
- Your playful heart.

I could go on, and on, and on....  God knew how very happy you would make me, and blessed me with you at just the perfect time.  You have added so much to our family.  I am so excited to see you grow into your role as Big Brother to Olivia.  You are already an excellent son to your Daddy and I, and an awesome brother to Natty.

My prayer for you is that you know how much Jesus loves you.  I pray that your Daddy and I will be a good example to you of how to follow after Jesus.  Your name, Nathan Joel, means the Lord God provdies, and I pray that you come to have a saving faith and trust in Jesus, and come to experience and know just how much God loves you and provides for all your needs - just as your life has very fun filled a need in our family's lives.  Thank you for who you are Nathan, I love you so very much, and I thank the Lord EVERYDAY you are in my life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

38 1/2 weeks

Yup!  I am still preggo!  Going on 38 1/2 weeks.  I am 10 days away from my due date.  Believe it or not, I am not that anxious!  Except when Olivia is pressing on a nerve.  Overall, I've been pretty patient.  I can't say the same for everyone else though!

Somethings I've been thinking about lately...
  • Sometimes I can't help, but think back to the baby we lost when I miscarried back in August last year.  It's a mix of emotions, really.  I firmly believe Olivia has been given to us when we needed her most.  Sometimes though I find myself wondering about the baby we may have already be holding.  But then I feel guilty.  In a few weeks, it will be one year since the miscarriage.  BUT, in a few weeks, we will also be seeing, holding, and loving on Olivia.  I would never wish for anyone to go through a miscarriage, but knowing Olivia is coming, and anticipating how much love she is adding to our lives seems to cover up the sadness that always kinda lingers.
  • Work?  YIKES!  I remember returning to work after Natty.  THAT was emotionally hard.  I was a basket-case inside.  Getting to work in tears over the tears in the middle of the night.  But I adjusted, and while not easier, I think I just got used to it.  I remember returning to work after Nathan.  Emotionally AND physcially draining.  Natty will be 4 in November, and Nathan 2 in 3 days, and I still feel guilty going to work.  I cannot even begin to imagine returning to work after Olivia.  I am a little bit more at peace right now, but we shall see how I feel again the end of August.  I am scheduled to return around the second week of September.
  • Three kids?  The thought of carting around three kids really does not terrify me anymore!  I typically do take Natty and Nathan pretty much anywhere, and on any errands we have to make.  I still start leaving one home when I had further along, and it is very hard to buckle, unbuckle, lift in, lift out an energetic 2-year old.  To their credit though, Natty and Nathan are AWESOME in the store.  The thought terrifying me is squeezing the three in the back of our sedans, while we save up for a larger vehicle.  YIKES!

Some updates...
  • Dr. appointments are pretty much uneventful.  I am only 50% effaced, and not dilated to much of anything.  At this point, I had already had Natty after being dilated to 2 cm. for 2 weeks.  With Nathan, I pretty stayed at 2 -3 cm. until I was induced 2 weeks after his due date.  My next appt. is on Wednesday morning. 
  • Tim has ventured into teaching his first online course.  There have been challenging, and it is a great deal of work.  I am always worried the kid and I are too much of a distraction.  I do enjoy having Tim home than out though.
  • To pick up the slack, Tim has been at Office Max again for a month or so now.  It has been such a trial, and we appreciate your prayers.
  • Natty has been BEGGING me to go to school.  We will be registering her with CNUSD in March, as long as I continue to work.  She knows her alphabet and most of the sounds, numbers (1-10 in Spanish), shapes, can answer cause-effect, can identify what's out of place, follow patterns....I could go on and on.  She can draw a smiley face, and write out some letters.  She can also draw a few shapes.  We are just so proud of her.
  • Nathan's language has just blossomed!!!  He can speak in sentences now about 75% of the time.  He has picked up a few Spanish words (thanks of Natty and Dora & Diego).  He is very good at communicating what he needs/wants.  He has also been working hard on potty training - with no pressure from me!  I really wasn't going to start until Olivia arrived, however, he has been getting very good about telling me when he has to go.  I love watch Natty interact with him.  They are at a good stage right now, where they can play together, and talk to each other (and actually have a conversation)!
  • Hobbies....well, I pretty spend most of my free time, if any, outside.  I love, love, love being out there.  I love seeing things blossom and grow.  I have tomatoes, basil, lime tree, Muskogee tree (lavender blossoms), Calla lilies, Impatiens, Irises, and Petunias.  Natty and I planted some Clementine and Lemon seeds the other day.  The kids were enjoying some fruit, and Natty found a seed in one of her slices of orange.  The bigger surprise was that is had already begun to sprout in the fruit!  Discovered the same thing when we were squeezing lemons from Tim's grandmother one morning.  So, we'll see if they continue to grow!
That's pretty much it for right now.  I am home until I return to work off of my maternity leave.  A lot of people ask me if I'm bored.  No, I'm not.  I just feel bad I am not as mobile taking both kids out.  I do once a week, or to get groceries if Tim has to work early.  For the most part though, we stay inside in the cool A/C, or play in the backyard. 

Hopefully next time I update, I'll have Olivia to showcase!  Happy Friday!