Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Back

Made it through my first day back from Christmas break.  The day went by pretty fast, which was good.  Thankfully, I DID NOT get sick at work.  Mornings are still pretty rough.  Starbucks has these yummy artisan bread breakfast sandwiches that I LOVE.  I got quite a few Starbucks giftcards, so there's my breakfast fund!  There is a drive-thru Starbucks near us too, so it's handy for work.  And yes, to this day, I still do not drink coffee.  My order choices have now expanded from green tea frappacino tea latte (iced/hot), hot chocolate (although I didn't get one this winter because the baby didn't seem to like chocolate the first month and a half), passion iced-tea lemonade, and vanilla bean frappacino, oh, and the breakfast sandwiches of course (bacon being my fav. since the one by us doesn't have ham anymore).  I do like their so-called "perfect" oatmeal, that REALLY does seem to come out "perfect," but I just have a really hard time sacrificing for "Starbucks" oatmeal, when I can pay the same for a box of 6-8 pouches of instant oatmeal.  Well, this was my Monday!  How was yours?
 My order was paired with a VENTI Passion iced-tea lemonade....:)
Whatever gets me through my Monday!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Looking Back

2010 has certainly been a year of many, many lessons - some easy and some hard.  So much happened, and some much more is happening.  I will be the first to admit, that when trials hit, I typically pray them away.  Boy did this week's Bible study convict me.  Our Women's Study started up this week, and we are in 1 Peter.  Peter was writing to believe who were enduring far more severe trials than myself, and he reminded them that their trials would prove their faith genuine.  At first I wanted to call 2010, my year of trials.  The more I thought about it though, the more I realized, the life of a Christian is a series of trials.  If there weren't any trials, something is most certainly wrong. "resolution" this year is to be more accepting and welcoming of trials and what they bring.  

Here is a little recap of last year:

January - Tim turned 29.  We rang in the New Year with Natty, 2, and Nathan 5 mts.

February - I turned 27.  Don't really remember much else.  =P

March - We started looking for homes again, lots and lots of looking.

April - Still looking for homes, been putting in offers, but nothing accepted.

May - Finally an offer was accepted!  We entered the HORRIBLE escrow process (that I hear only happens in CA).

June - Closing date, came and gone.  Had to file for 1st and 2nd extension, and about ready to give the house up.  Our apartment complex graciously extended our stay fro 2 weeks, so we could figure out what to do.

July - Had to put in for a 3rd extension.  Packed everything up, moved in with Tim's parents for a couple weeks.  Nathan turned 1!

August - Started my 5th year of teaching, and really felt like the twilight zone, but thankful to have a job.  We moved INTO our home, and I returned to work 2 days after.  We pretty much threw everything into the garage.  But we are homeowners!!!  Towards the end of this month, we found out we were expecting a baby, but lost it at about 6-7 weeks.

September - Finally settling in a bit, and finally had Nathan's 1st birthday party in our new home.  It was a Nemo party and LOTS of fun!  Celebrated our 4th anniversary at The Melting Pot, very yummy, and highly recommended.  I believe this was also the month that Nathan sliced his wrist open, and I had to rush him to Urgent Care.  Of course, he didn't even cry once.  I sure almost did several times.

October - Had fun bringing the kids to Harvest's Annual Hallelujah Night.  Natty was a fairy, and Nathan was Rex from Toy Story.  This may also be the month that the stomach flu made its way through our entire family - started with Natty, ended with me.

November - Natty turned 3!  We threw her an Asian theme Kai lan party with noodles (Tim made himself) and dumplings, and all.  On Natty's actual birthday, I found out I was pregnant again.  We also hosted Thanksgiving this year.  It was a FULL HOUSE with my family and Tim's family over.  My wonderful sister in law and her boyfriend also helped us clean up some mess with the house.  The day after Natty's birthday party, we had big winds that had broken some huge branches off our tree in our front yard.  Imagine our surprise when we came home from church to find our front lawn covered with branches.

December - Tried to hold off telling everyone we were expecting, but the morning sickness has been VIOLENT this time around.  We celebrated Christmas in O.C (Christmas Eve), Riverside (ours in the morning and at Tim's parents late morning), and Corona (my parents for the evening).  It was quite eventful, and BOY!  Natty was REALLY into presents this year.  She got a Bible Story book this year, and keeps asking me to read from it - melts my heart.

Currently - I go back to work Monday (2 days).  Not really looking forward to it, but it's got to be done!  I've been so exhausted.  I've had 2 prenatal appointments, and the Dr. seems pleased with my progress.  I'll be 12 weeks along on Monday, and am due July 25.  Tim is teaching THREE classes this semester and has applied for a full time gig, so we've been praying for that and would appreciate your prayers too.  

What can I say, life is never boring in the Fanning Household, always something going on!!!  I know this is a pretty boring post without any pictures.  I've been so behind from being sick and tired, I just wanted to catch everyone up.  I promise pictures soon!