Saturday, November 27, 2010


Ok guys!  It's that time of year again!  Time to get those family updates up and going; Christmas cards signed and ready to ship out! 

If you're looking for some affordable, reasonable, and quality personalized cards to order, I'd highly recommend Shutterfly.  There having a great promotion you can check out right HERE.

I like shutterfly because I can get so creative with gifts for family members.  Mugs, photo books, photo calendars, and such.  Photos are easy to upload.  Shutterfly also makes it super easy to customize your gift.  I also like that there is always a special going on.  Their prices really are great.

So, if you're needing cards, check it out!  If you're looking for gifts, check it out!  They don't disappoint!

Family + Food = Fabulous!

We hosted Thanksgiving this year in celebration of finally making it into our home.  We were pretty jazzed and excited about the whole Thanksgiving dinner feast preparation.  We had both sides of parents over, and we had a blast!  (Sorry the pics are a little out of order.)


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Natty!

My daughter is a few days shy of being 3-years old!  I cannot believe how slow time seems to go by when you're pregnant, but when they're born, your kids grow up way too fast.  I miss Natty being a baby, but I wouldn't trade any of this for anything right now.  She has grown into such a wonderful little girl.  She cares about her brother, and she shares with her friends.  She has a caring spirit, and loves to help me out.  Her favorite right now is, still, loading the washer and dryer.  She loves going to Sunday school, and has a great attitude.  She has also taken a very awesome interest in prayer.  Her prayers are so simple, but at the same time, I'm astounded with what she comes up with to prayer for - and she NEVER leaves anyone out.  She'll pray for the entire family.  It just melts my heart.  

Here is Natty this morning...
Dear Natty,

Today we celebrated your birthday with family and friends.  You were so excited and were showered with so many gifts.  I would just like you to know how very much your father and I love you, and that you bring such joy into our lives.  I am so proud of you, and love you more and more everyday!  Happy Birthday Princess!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Spooktacular Kiddos

Natty went as a fairy and Nathan was "Rex" from ToyStory.  Awesome night with the kiddos!  Our church had a candy walk and a children's ministry production called "Joy"-story.  Although our Sunday started off really hectic, the kids had a wonderful time.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Job Title (Or Should I Say Additional)

I have been praying and thinking about this for quite some time now.  I really enjoy Pampered Chef products, and I have so much doing hosting shows and catalog shows for my friend.  This weekend, Pampered Chef is doing a BIG special for joining their business.  I finally took the plunge!  My second job title is now, Pampered Chef Consultant.

There are quite a few reasons I've decided to join now besides the great special.   Tim's been praying hard and thinking hard about getting his Ph.D.  To be hired full time at the university level, it's pretty much a requirement.  On top of that, we have a mortgage, car payment (2 years left - yay!), and house projects we want to save up for.  Finally, with how things have been at work being so crazy, staying home with the kids has been soo soo soo sooo appealing.  I've always wanted to stay home with the kids, but this year has brought me even more motivation.

I just joined yesterday, but I am being optimistic that this will be a new and fun opportunity for us.  SSSSSOOOOO.............if you know of anyone that would love to host a show for me, and even pass around catalogs for me, let me know!!!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Favorite Website

Ok!  All you guys that like to throw parties, you've got to check this site out.  If not, just check it out for the recipes.  This woman is a GENIUS!!!  All I can say is that Natty's Birthday party is going to be rockin' awesome!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sat. School

It's a beautiful day out today, and I am stuck in a room of about 14 adolescent boys and 1 girl.  I have Sat. school duty.  Sat. school duty is interesting.  Intially I was always thankful I got the exta monies that came with having to come into work on a Sat.  The more I think about it though, the more I feel like it's a way of enabling students to not do their work. 

Most students I've come across will save up work that they did not want to do and do it in a 4 hour stretch on Sat.  Why?  Why not just do the work the first time around, do less at home, and have your Sat. free?  I'm still trying to figure out the answer to that one.

I thought about that a little bit more, and I realized that many of the students these days are home alone.  Both parents are having to work to make ends meet.  They don't want to be home because essentially they have no one home to go home to.

So sad....

Being a public school teacher has really worn on me emotionally.  I know I've been placed here for a reason, and that there are great ministry opportunities here.  I definitely don't feel like my work here is done.  I crave to be home with my kids, but I can't help but think, "who else will help them?"


Here I am, on a Saturday, bored out of my mind...blogging...

I have Sat. school duty...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have a confession to make.!  AGH!!  I've decided it's a disease.  Especially when I get can items for FREE or but pennies.  I can't seem to say no.  When I know there is a great deal coming up, I'll even buy an extra paper.  We have a paper subscription for the sole purpose of the coupon inserts.  Yes, I'm sick - I know.  I have no idea why I am blogging about this, other than I know some will find my bargain shopping habits amusing.

Anyhow, I was SSSOOO excited this afternoon.  It all started when I pre-ordered the new Tinkerbell movie for Natty for her birthday.  I used a $10 off and got a $10 giftcard from Toys R Us.  (AND got $10 off for pre-ordering Beauty and the Beast.)  I usually NEVER shop there - too pricey - but hey, a deal's a deal.   This weekend, when the ads came out, I was almost jumping off the floor.  Toys R Us has a special going this week.  Spend $40 on any "Disney Princess" purchase and get a free Princess Tea Cart FREE!!!  ($24.99) value.  I seized the bargain-opportunity, and figured, I'm set to go for Natty's birthday, let's start on Christmas!!!  Now, I have to say that presents have new been the focus for Tim and I with the kids, but we don't usually just buy things just because.  We always want to save it for a special occasion.  Anyhow, I got the movie, the tea cart, but needed a filler to bring it to $40 before coupons.  SSOOO, I picked up the most adorable Princess Ariel doll for Natty to go with the tea cart for Christmas.  All in all, I got the movie, tea card, and doll for less than $25!!!  I had a $10 off coupon and a $10 giftcard (from Tinkerbell purchase).  It's sick I'm telling you!!!  

Anyhow, all this to say I love bargain shopping!  What's your big bargain find lately?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours...

The wonderful stomach virus has made its way through our entire family.  Started early Monday morning with Natty.  I made it to work, called in for a 1/2 day sub, then came home to take her to urgent care while Tim stayed with Nathan.  Tuesday afternoon, Nathan got sick.  Tuesday evening Tim got sick.  I pulled my first all-nighter since my undergraduate work days.  I was up all night with Nathan, since Tim wasn't feeling good.  Poor little Nathan threw up off and on all night until about 3 in the morning.  I got a teensie bit of sleep, got ready, and went to work Wednesday feeling kinda icky.  I figured it was just because I was running on empty all day.  Well, I barely made it all the way up our driveway.  I threw open the driver's door and threw up.  I went around to the passenger's side to get my bags and threw up.  I ran into the house, threw the bags onto the floor, and threw up.  And it kept going, and going, and going.  Needless to say, I stayed home from work today.  My saving grace is that tomorrow is Friday, so I am planning on an easy-going school day.  I hope my students comply.

In other news, Nathan is developing quite a vocabulary now!  He can say Milk, Thank you, cracker, a funny version of Nathan, George (for Curious George), and it keeps growing!  Natty is talking in excellent complete sentences.  I am so proud of her.  My mommy-moment the other day was when she woke up from her nap.  I asked if she had a good rest, and she said yes.  So I asked if she had a good dream, and yes!  So I asked what she dreamed about, and she said Jesus!  Totally melted my heart. :)

Happy Almost Friday Everyone!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Nathan!

On Saturday, we were FINALLY able to have Nathan's 1st birthday party.  It was a blast.  Weather was in the triple digits, but we grilled out hamburger patties.  There was tons of food and tons of company.  Nathan sure made out with all his loot.  I have to say, boy toys are SO MUCH FUN!  It took me like an hour to un-package and assembly everything, but it was so worth it.  I think Natty is into his toys right now though.  She likes to "show him" how to "play" with his toys. :)  Here are some pictures from the day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


My doctor confirmed the miscarriage yesterday morning.  In a way, it was closure for me.  On the other hand, seeing the picture of my empty womb had to have been to hardest and most painful thing I've ever seen.  Usually people are always hoping that their x-rays or ultrasounds showed nothing.  I was deperately pleading the opposite.

I really don't know how I feel at this point.  I am just plain sad, a lot.  I don't feel like doing much, yet I have a bunch of commitments I am responsible for.  The drive to work in the morning is hard.  Once I get into things, work seems to go ok, until my classroom is empty and I'm alone again.

I really do appreciate all the prayers.  I am getting ready for Nathan's belated 1st birthday, so hopefully that'll get my mind off things more.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Missing Someone You've Never Met

My heart is heavy.  I miscarried what would have been our third child this weekend.  Questions have been going through my mind.  Why me?  Why us?  What did I do wrong?  Why couldn't we have kept the baby?

I am exhausted from grief.  I am trying to pull myself together for Natty and Nathan, but it is excruciatingly hard painful.  

My mind and my heart remind me that God is in control and has a plan.  The plan does hurt very much that our baby went to be with the Lord and did not get to meet us.

Thank you for your prayers, they are very much appreciated. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

What's New?

It has been quite a busy couple of weeks!!!!  We finally got moved in.  We moved into OUR home on Aug. 5, and I went back to work Aug. 10th.  The first week and a half or so of work has been great.  We've had some crazy schedules to untangle, but we are almost there.  We are loving being homeowners.  Still can't park in the garage yet, but it's coming.  Right now we are getting settled, and getting ready to ACTUALLY have Nathan's birthday party on Sept. 4th.  It'll be Labor Day weekend, and of course, with being a teacher, I get a 3-day weekend.  If you're local, come stop by!  Well, that's all the updates for now.  Here's something fun to you guys to try to figure out.  What's new with my page?  Will be updating soon, and with pictures.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taking a Breather!

Oh boy!!!!  What a month it has been!!!!!!  A 45-day escrow turned into a 3-month long escrow.  HORRIBLE!!!!!  Nothing like going through a trial to see what your faith is made of!  

Well, with most of the repercussions of the escrow behind us, we can proudly say, "We ARE Homeowners!!!"  I am not quite to the point that I am excited yet.  I think at this point we're just relieved.  I start back to teaching a week from today, and am freaking out quite a bit.  I'm not nearly has prepared at this point as I should be.  There has just been too much housing stuff going on, and taking care of our two angels.

Anyhow, we are 99% moved into OUR home.  We couldn't stay tonight because neither the stove nor dishwasher was installed today.  We also can't turn on our water until the repairs are done.  We can't clean until the water is on, and we can't put stuff away until the cleaning is done...etc...etc..etc... You get the picture.

I am learning (slowly) that I DO NOT need to do everything at once.  I had it in my mind that I wanted everything to be absolutely PERFECT when we moved, well, things didn't exactly work out my way.  :)

I am excited about the projects coming our way.  The immediate thing thought, is getting stuff put away somewhat, and FINALLY being able to have our Nemo Party for Nathan's 1st birthday.  Poor guy, I had to push the original date back, then had to cancel when our house didn't close on time (for the THIRD time - LLLOOONNNGGG story).  

We are happy to have our own place and slowly putting things together.  The kids have been top priority.  Natty is just thrilled with her room.  It makes just feel so good to see her light up.

Well, that is it for now for updates.  I thought I'd take a breather since I hadn't updated in 2 weeks.

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy FIRST Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Nathan!  A year ago today, your father was driving me to the hospital late on a Saturday morning.  Everyone told me, including Dr. King, that you would be my early baby.  You sure did want to do things on your own time. 

You were a surprise to our family.  Your sister would be turning one in about a month, and I was attending one of my last classes.  The day before I found out I was pregnant with you, I had a root canal!  All I can say is that the Lord choose the perfect to bless me with you.  It was so fun trying to tell your dad about you.  We went out and celebrated with some Thai food.  The first person we told (or I told) was Natty.  Then we told your Grandpa and Grandma.  Then we tried to tell your Papa and Nana, but they weren't home, so we told your Aunt Mollie and Uncle Jon.  Everyone was excited to meet you.

A couple days before you were born, Dr. King decided we needed to induce because I was nearly 2 weeks overdue!  Boy, you sure taught your Mommy patience.  I was so nervous and scared that you were not coming on your own.  I remember staying up late talking to your Daddy, and upset praying we made the right decision.  I prayed I would go into labor on my own and we wouldn't have to force you to come out.  Mommy was getting very big, and we weren't sure how big you were going to be.  It was a quiet and relaxed morning - no contractions at all.  However, lo and Behold, we arrived at the hospital to discover Mommy was indeed in labor.  You were still taking your sweet time though, and needed a little motivation to come meet everyone.

Nathan, you have brought so much joy to me this past year.  I love how you and your sister play.  I pray you guys keep growing close to each other and take care of each other.  I cherish every moment I get with you.  I am honored to be your mother, and know I have done absolutely nothing to derserve your unconditional love.  I love that you want me to cuddle you and sometimes (a lot of times) it has to be just me.  I love that you crawl up to me as fast as you can and try to tackle me with hugs.  I love your slimy kisses, and how you like to blow on my shoulders.  My prayer is that by some miracle, God will teach me each day how to become to Mommy you truly deserve.

Today is your birthday, and I want you to know I love you with all my heart and pray God will equip your father and me to teach you how to become the godly man He desires you to be.  Even though you are only one, I hope you know how much we love you and how much we just absolutely love having you in our lives. 

We love you Nathan!!!!
Daddy - Mommy - Natty

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Shaking My Fists

I want to scream, stomp my feet, and shake my fists at the world.  I hate, hate, HATE it when people don't do their jobs, and it affects me - AND my family. We are 3 weeks over our original escrow closing date, and it just makes me BOIL that we can't just get into our home already.  I hate that we've been packed up for 3 weeks.  I've hated that I'd had to push Nathan's 1st birthday a week, and almost have had to cancel it all together.  I've hated that every other day "something came up" according to our realtor or mortgage officer, and I spend the night crying to sleep.  However, what I've hated the most is my ugly, worldly flesh keeps rearing its ugly head, each time "something came up."

All growing up, I have always been very docile, reserved, quiet, shy, soft-spoken, etc. - you get the picture.  Now that I've nearly had 6 years of working in junior high under my belt, I think a lot of that has been jaded.  I'm a teacher, and I work with deadlines.  One of my worst pet-peeves is incompetence.  I have always tried to live by "letting your yes, be yes - and your no, be no."  Internally, I can be very judgmental, and this is not a quality I am proud of.  For the sake of my job though, I use it a lot.  It drives me completely INSANE when someone do not do something they say they are going to do, and makes no attempt to fix it.  This makes me feel like I am totally righteous about my anger, but.....what picture of Christ does that show.

One of the things I've struggled with the most is trusting God's timing, His will, and His provisions.  I am a planner.  I will imagine 10 different "worst-case-scenarios" and pair them up with 10 solutions - just so we are "prepared."  I don't like suprises (unless they are flowers or a green tea latte) and I don't like the unknown.  When things don't get done I am use to hasseling people to get it done.  I have had to trust that things will work out when God wants them to work out and HOW He wants them to work out. 

Another this is that I have had to learn to be more submissive to Tim's authority in our family.  I am the kind of person that does not really rely much on other people or ask other people for help very often.  I tend to want to do things myself because I know how I want them done and what the end result so be.  So with something like our house situation, keeping my mouth shut is very hard.  I have (very unfairly) gotten angry so many times, and it is so hard.  God's placed us in this situation for a reason, and I need to learn from it.  Another lesson I've learned, or rather what has been revealed to me is that I have been blessed by a husband who cares about our family, and I need to rest in that fact and not try to take control.  Besides, I would have not been so gracious as Tim if I were on the phone with the various people we keep on having to call to get updates on.

To be honest, I just want all this housing stuff to be over.  I really have no desire to ever buy a house EVER again, unless I have cash that I can just throw down and run away with the keys.  Such a frustrating process, and DRAINING.  Through it all though, my family has loved me unconditionally.  Even through the tears and pity-parties, I am still so very loved.

Nathan turns ONE on Saturday, and I am reminded why we named him Nathan Joel.  When I was about 5 months along with Nathan, we though we had purchased a home, but it didn't work out.  We choose the name "Nathan" because it means "God has provided."  The Lord not only blessed us out of the blue with another child, but Nathan has been my constant reminder that the Lord provides, PERIOD.  Joel, Nathan's middle name, means "Jehovah is the Lord."  Jehovah is the Lord and He has provided!  That is the message Nathan carries with him everyday.

I could continue to be upset about so many things, but the fact is, God has (and continues to) provided solutions to every trial we've faced.  My encouragement to you is DO NOT let Satan have the satisfaction of seeing you recoil during your trials.  Allow the Lord to work through you and make you stronger. 

I am a firm believe that everything happens for a reason.  If that reason alone is to glorify the Lord, even if I don't get why things happen the way they do, that reason - in and of itself - is enough to bring me to obedience to the Lord.

Hopefully soon - around a week - we'll be moving into our HOME, and I'll be posting pictures.  In the meantime, if you're in CA, especially in the IE, stay out of the heat!  It's getting hot in here!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chop Chop!

We had a fun day yesterday.  We went to church, Dos Lagos, back to church, the in-laws, and attempted to see fireworks.  While I was bummed about the fireworks (no parking), the best part of the hair cut I got from this snazzy salon that opened up recently at Dos Lagos.  I must say this was the best haircut experience I've ever had.  I typically hate getting my haircut.  It never turns out the way I want it to.  Therefore, I just usually let to grow, and grow, and grow, until I can't stand it anymore, then I whack it all off and start the cycle over again.  This place was called Monesprit Aveda.  I'm not the type that usually gets my haircut in a "salon."  I'm pretty cheap when it comes to things like that, but this experience has really made me want to go back.  The people there were so friendly and nice, offer you water/tea upon arrival, and the stylist I got asked me tons of questions to make sure she was doing what I wanted.  Got my hair washed, cut, blow dried, and styled, and I feel pretty!  Oh, the best part WAS it was FREE!!!  Anyway, I think this will become one of the few splurges I will have to save up and do again.  Here are some pictures of the cut.  Yes, I'm in my PJ's and yes, I am sunburned from being outside at Harvest. :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just Wishin' And Hopin' And Thinkin' And Prayin'....

Better known for its soundtrack in My Best Friend's Wedding, this song has been going on in my head.  We were supposed to close on Monday (6/28).  Needless to say, that has not happened, and out new date was two weeks from yesterday (7/16).  I just really feel like this whole house-buying process is rather ridiculous.  However, I don't understand why things are working out this way.  The only thing I am TRYING (very hard) to hold onto, and what Tim keeps reminding me of is that: God sees the whole picture, and sees us in the house we're to have.  The troubles we go through is just but a moment, compared to eternity.

In the mean time, we've been trying to plan for Nathan's 1st birthday!  He turns 1 2 weeks from tomorrow!  I can't believe how fast time has flown by.  I now have an almost preschooler, and a toddler.  I sure miss the kids being "babies."  I'm off work this month, so we've been catching up on some family time as well.  Hope everyone if off to a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So...what type of fridge do you guys have?  We've been shopping around, annd I love, love, LOVE the French-doors style.  I like that the freezer is on the bottom and is roomy.  I like having the fridge on top with the double doors, that way I don't feel like I have to open the entire fridge to get something.  What do you guys use or like?  I've looked at the side by side ones, but the freezer just seems WAY too narrow!  I've looked at the freezer on top models, but those freezers seem so puny compared to what we'd use.  Both Tim and I love to cook, so we typically keep a FULL fridge and freezer.  I stock up on meat a lot, so I really want a roomy freezer.  What make/models can you guys recommend?

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Well, I guess I can REALLY say that we have a house!  We'll be moving into Riverside within the next few weeks.  I think we are at the point now that we feel we can be EXCITED!!!!  We've been to Lowe's and a few appliance stores to price things.  Talk about making decisions!  I still think planning a wedding is WAY more easier, not to mention more fun than this.

Anyway, we have our FINAL walk through today!  We'll be measuring all the rooms again, and planning out the colors for the rooms and such.  I can't wait to get started.  We'll be painting and ordering new carpet before officially moving in, so I imagine we won't be in our new home until the first week of July - just in time for Nathan's 1st birthday. 

We've been scouting out appliances.  We'll need to purchase a fridge, stove, and washer & dryer.  I am not too particular about the washer & dryer since they'll be in the garage.  I am having the hardest time picking out the fridge though.  This is the stove I REALLY like.  I like having the 3 burner sections.

Can't really settle on a fridge yet.  I REALLY wanted a the French-door style fridge with the bottom freezer, but the cheapest one I have really found are about $1300.  I've been looking at the side-by-side ones, but the freeze just seems so NARROW.  Any advice on what fridge you guys bought and like?

Well, will post pictures later as we move in and get settled.  Thanks for praying us through all our housing endeavors!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Let me start off by saying that buying a home has to be the most stressful thing you may ever do in your life.  I've been reflecting a lot on our adventures the past 2 months.  There is nothing compared to the experiences of purchasing your first home.  It has been more stressful than planning our wedding.  It has also proved to be more stressful than birthing children.  I think Tim has been way more solid than I have throughout this whole process.  I have been so proud of him.  He is truly the godly head of our household.  I am ashame to admit, but I have crumbled quite a many times since March.  We are at the last stretch.  We are 99.9% there, even though I feel like there is a chance we won't the the house anyway.

Tim and I were talking and he reminded me that God is in control, no matter the outcome.  If we don't get the house, it wasn't the home we were suppose to have, and we'd praise the Lord for keeping us from being outside of His will.  If we do get it, the Lord knew all along and He is receiving glory and praise from our obedience to trust Him. 

Trusting in the Lord when you can't see is very difficult.  Have you ever had one of those "trusting" exercises where one member was blindfolded, and you had to trust your partnet to lead you through an obstable course?  I used to hate those, but that is exactly how I feel right now.  I can't see the end result, or understand the trials we've been going through.  The only facts I know is that 1) God is in control, and 2) what God has choose to bless us, Satan will sought out to destroy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jesus, Bring the Rain

When I'm SUPER stressed out, I feel like this song can always lift my spirits.  Sometimes when I get too focused on my situations, I need to ask myself - What's this momentary "hardship" in light of everything Christ did for me?  If what I am going through will bring any praise and any glory to the Lord, I need to welcome it.

Here you go, from Mercy Me - Bring the Rain

I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray

Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blue Skies

This is a really encouraging song for me from Point of Grace.  I listen to it going to work frequently in the morning.  The lyrics definitely changes my point of view.  No matter your situation, I pray that you would, as I am trying to, remember that for the believer, the Lord's on your side.  He sees all things in their entirety.  What I see as a struggle or hardship is but a moment, a segment, is time, and whatever that hardship is will last just momentarily.  Happy Thursday!

On days of gray
When doubt clouds my view
It's so hard to see past my fears
My strength seems to fade
And it's all I can do
To hold on, 'til the light reappears
Still, I believe though some rain's bound to fall
That you're here next to me
And you're over it all

Lord, the sky's still blue
For my hope is in you
You're my joy
You're the dream that's still alive
Like the wind at my back
And the sun on my face
You are life
You're grace
You are blue skies
You're my blue skies

When nights are long
Seems the dark has no end
Still we walk on in light of the truth
For waiting beyond
Where the morning begins
Is the dawn, and you're mercy anew
Oh, to believe we're alive in you're love
There is so much to see
If we keep looking up

(Repeat Chorus)

You fill the heavens with hope and a higher love
A picture, a promise for life

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finding Time with the Lord

I received a card from my women's group leader Thursday night that really convicted me.  At a koinania a while back, we had shared how we were keeping ourselves fed with God's Word.  I don't remember my exact response, but I had shared that with working full-time, a husband and 2 children to take care of, and a household to look after, it's hard to have a set specific time.  So, what I had shared was that I try to always make sure I have God's Word readily available wherever I am.  Tim and I have an assorted collection of Bibles, so I try to make sure there is always something, somewhere.  In my purse/bag, in the living room, in the bedroom, in my car, etc - so that when I do find I have "down" time, there is always something there waiting for me to be fed from.  However, the reality is that I am a hoarder of "down" time.  When the kids go down, I want to "relax."  Or I discover, the dishes haven't been done and the laundry needs to be put away.  OH, and here's the new one - WE NEED TO PACK!  I do not like to confess that I have other things I allow to compete for the time I should and need to be spending with the Lord.  With that out in the open, here is little bit of what my leader wrote in my card that has really exhorted me to "get back in the game," so to speak...

"...your example of studying God's Word in the mist of all that has really challenged me to use the time I have to the fullest.  You shared at one of our koinanias about having God's Word or devotionals easily accessible around your home which I now have done and it has been a real encouragement to me.  Wherever I sit His Word is waiting!...."

Who would have known that something I shared at our koinania would touch my leader is such a special way?  I really do not view myself as anything great, not a scholar, not anyone important.  I jsut feel I am a child of God, struggling along the way on this road called life.  It was amazing to knwo that God used something I shared and struggled with to encourage someone else that I had been looking to as an example on how to follow and obey God's Word.

Well, hope everyone is off to a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kid Pics

Nathan riding buckaroo......Nathan trying to escape...he's actually pretty fast!Let's see what I can get into...Oh...what did I find?Mollie giving Natty her first piano lessons...Ooooh...the kitty box, did they leave me any goodies?
 Playing with toys on the train-table.Where do all these parts go?Here Nathan, let me show you!Nathan:  Do they taste good Natty?
Kissing Baby Brother...Smacking the blocks together and cackling...Blowing Mommy a kiss...Let's see if I can climb on myself.

Nathan - The Pet

Natty got this 3-foot long piece of licorice from the Day of the Teacher Bash at CNTA.  Poor Nathan was at the mercy of our not-so-innocent Princess. :)  Enjoy!

Big sisters - What can I say?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Matters...

Been in a reflective mood lately...I've had a tremendous load on my plate that I have secretly been trying to "pray" away.  However, this 'load' I've been trying to get rid of has really put things into perspective for me.

  • My kids don't necessarily sport the latest fashions. 
    • But they are beautiful inside and out.
  • Often times, you find them running around with unkept hair and sporting dirt various places on their body and clothes.
    • But they are almost, ALWAYS happy, joyful, and smiling.
  •  We can't really afford to eat out at super fancy restaurants.
    • But we always share meals together as a family.
  • Our living room is almost, ALWAYS in a state of chaos.
    • But I know the chaos came out of the kids having fun with us.
  • Our weekly menu usually consists of 2 nights of pasta, hamburger helper, or some other cheapo meal.  We are also always trying to find our weekly 99 cents deals.
    • We know we always have enough food for all of us, and we aren't going hungry.  We also found I FAVORITE taco place.
  • We always shop off of the clearance racks, and almost always with a coupon.
    • Our family is clothed, and presentable.
I didn't write this because I think I am 'super-mom' in any way.  I write this because through the past year, the Lord has shown me what being content means.  I don't have it nailed down, but God has really shifted my focus as to what's needed and what's wanted.  When my will is aligned with the heart of God, things have a funny way of just falling right into place.

We have had to look and wait for over a year to find the house the Lord has for us.  The process hasn't been easy.  We have cut our budget to the BARE minimum.  Many times I just want to throw up my hands and say, I'm done, I'm tired, and I'm through.  

Then, I walk upstairs and see our beautiful daughter sleeping in our bed waiting for little brother to fall asleep.  Or I walk in to pick up our little Prince who's upset to console him.  And they take a good tug at my heartstrings.  I seen them running (crawling) around the apartment, and I look into their eyes and I just want to give the world to them.

Then, I realize that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, of monetary value that would mean ANYTHING to them if they do not know the love of Jesus.  So, my perspective changes.  I give up "me" time, and we have "our" time.  I take Nathan's slobbery kisses and Natty's hugs, while getting smeared by the leftovers of her dinner that made it onto her clothes, hair, and body.  I nod off while holding Nathan because he's been upset and doesn't want to be put down.  But I realize every stroke on his face is a reminder to him of how much I love him.  I acknowledge Natty screaming "STAR" in the backseat for the 20th time because she sees the Carl's Jr. sign off the freeway instead of telling her to be quiet because I know she'll feel appreciated.  I don't look forward to their bedtimes, no matter how tired I am, because I know I am that much closer to having to leave them again in the morning for work.

This has all been on my mind because Sunday, 2 days ago, was Mother's Day.  A lot of women asked me how I was going to be spending my day, and wished me some "alone" and "relaxing" mommy-time.  To me, Mommy-Time could not possibly have been anything else but spending it with my family.  I am a mother, I am a wife.  "Alone-time", whatever that is, is something that I have willingly surrendered.   To me, I want to know that my family feels loved and taken care of.  And if, by chance, I get a green-tea latte or a passion ice tea lemonade thrown into the mix, well, that's just the cherry on top. 

I really don't know where I was getting at with this blog.  But if you've read it this far, thanks for reading.  I know you all have a wonderful Tuesday.

Mother's Day May 2010
I would never trade this for any job, title, recognition...for anything, anyone, anywhere.