Thursday, September 23, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours...

The wonderful stomach virus has made its way through our entire family.  Started early Monday morning with Natty.  I made it to work, called in for a 1/2 day sub, then came home to take her to urgent care while Tim stayed with Nathan.  Tuesday afternoon, Nathan got sick.  Tuesday evening Tim got sick.  I pulled my first all-nighter since my undergraduate work days.  I was up all night with Nathan, since Tim wasn't feeling good.  Poor little Nathan threw up off and on all night until about 3 in the morning.  I got a teensie bit of sleep, got ready, and went to work Wednesday feeling kinda icky.  I figured it was just because I was running on empty all day.  Well, I barely made it all the way up our driveway.  I threw open the driver's door and threw up.  I went around to the passenger's side to get my bags and threw up.  I ran into the house, threw the bags onto the floor, and threw up.  And it kept going, and going, and going.  Needless to say, I stayed home from work today.  My saving grace is that tomorrow is Friday, so I am planning on an easy-going school day.  I hope my students comply.

In other news, Nathan is developing quite a vocabulary now!  He can say Milk, Thank you, cracker, a funny version of Nathan, George (for Curious George), and it keeps growing!  Natty is talking in excellent complete sentences.  I am so proud of her.  My mommy-moment the other day was when she woke up from her nap.  I asked if she had a good rest, and she said yes.  So I asked if she had a good dream, and yes!  So I asked what she dreamed about, and she said Jesus!  Totally melted my heart. :)

Happy Almost Friday Everyone!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Nathan!

On Saturday, we were FINALLY able to have Nathan's 1st birthday party.  It was a blast.  Weather was in the triple digits, but we grilled out hamburger patties.  There was tons of food and tons of company.  Nathan sure made out with all his loot.  I have to say, boy toys are SO MUCH FUN!  It took me like an hour to un-package and assembly everything, but it was so worth it.  I think Natty is into his toys right now though.  She likes to "show him" how to "play" with his toys. :)  Here are some pictures from the day.