Friday, March 27, 2009

I get to Decorate!

Well, it's official (kinda)! The house is ours! It's off the market, and we're scheduled to close on May 6th. God's timing is perfect.

I've been going bonkers with excitement. Now I'm pooped, and have tried to relax by window e-shopping (?) at, and these are the digs I've found so far that are SO awesome!

Definitely cool for our entry way/living room.For Natty's room. She LOVES animals.

For play area

For the backyard, we hope to have

Yeah, right. As if we were made out of money. But it is fun to plan and dream right? Hey, we are SO incredibly thankful that we will be homeowners! I still can't get over that. I keep saying over and over, "WOW...."

For the kids of course

1 comment:

nicole said...

Fun fun fun choices!