Thursday, March 26, 2009

So the Roller-Coaster Ride Begins.....

So, it has taken what has felt to me, FOREVER, to hear back as to whether or not our offer was accepted.  I was really at a point where I just wanted to find something out, either way, so I would just know.  We didn't want to renew our lease - way too expensive.  We didn't want to move down the street to cheaper apartments either - BIG hassle.  

I woke up today feeling really sick and nauseous all day - hope morning sickness is not coming back.  Tim calls me from work today.  I just want to curl up in a ball, but he says...

our offer's been accepted!!!!
Holy smokes!  WHAT?!?  Now I think I will REALLY get sick!  I just have to reitterate though.  God is SO amazing.  Only He could have worked out all the puzzle pieces involved.  There were so many things up in the air, so to speak.  I cannot believe that in 45 (max) short days, we will be homeowners.  Yikes!!!
The coolest part is that we will be living on "Promise Road."  That is so incredible!!!  God does INDEED keep his promises.  =)  Here are pictures from the front.  God sure has good taste - in my opinion.
Front of our BEAUTIFUL house

Picture of the kiddos' bedrooms

 The front again!
Can't wait to move in!!!!
Well, I can't say it's been that LONG of a journey.  I know people who have been house hunting for months and years.  I definitely did not expect our first offer to be the house that God has for us.  Thanks for praying for us and continuing to do so.  There is so much work ahead of us.  I am excited, overwhelmed, and just plain freakin' out!!!!  
All in all, an AWESOME Thursday!!!!


nicole said...

Oh my gosh! That's so awesome, and your house is BEAUTIFUL! I love love LOVE it! That is so great that God has helped work out all the details for you guys. You are going to spend many happy years here and have so much fun making it your own. Congrats!!!

Candie said...

Congratulations!!! We are SO excited for you! Wish we could help you guys move. Can't wait to see the inside of the house. Enjoy this new chapter in your lives!