Sunday, May 22, 2011

Today's Thought

What do you do when you face trials?  Ignore them?  Praying them away?  Fight with them?  Embrace them???

I don't like trials.  But God's Word does say that the testing of our faith produces endurance (James 1:3).  Does this change my perspective?  You betcha!

This has really been a year long (or longer) process, but I believe I can confidently say that this year I am definitely a stronger Christian than how I started out.

I still don't like trials, but accept them.  They have a purpose.  I've also come to realize that sometimes God takes us to our lowest of lows, just to show us how high He will take us if we let Him!

I'm again reminded of the song Blessings by Laura Story.  This excerpt, "what if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to show you're near...."  This is SO true, and I have most certainly LIVED this.  When trials come, ask yourself what the Lord is trying to show you, teach you, remind you.  When you let go, and let better be ready to see the amazing changes God will bring to you life.