Saturday, March 28, 2009
What in the world is a rutabaga?
Anyways, that is how big Nathan is (approx.). He is about 13 1/2 inches from head to toe. According to Babycenter, he should be 1 1/2 lbs. I suspect more, seeing that he was already at a pound at my last appointment a month ago. From reading the weekly baby updates, I thought it was to find out that if you could see Nathan now, you'd already be able to see his hair color. I suspect it should be fairly close to Natty's. I can't wait to see him in person. He is such my lovebug, and makes his prescence known very strongly with his punches and kicks. I really don't mind. He is a lot stronger than Natty was, but that is just his way of reminding me he is there. =) And his kicks and punches reassure me that he is strong and healthy.
As for Natty-news, we have her dedication coming up on April 26th. We had our counseling appointment at church this morning. At first I felt a little nervous about it, but as I thought more about it - it made sense. We take parenting Natty and Nathan very seriously and want to raise them up in God's Word and set our lives as a godly example for them. I am thankful that we attend a church that takes child-raising that seriously that they take the time to talk to us before hand.
Well, I am pretty pooped. Set up my classroom today. Three months from today I will be on my maternity leave, maybe possibly holding Nathan in my arms. Boy! Does time sure fly! Please just pray though that I make it to June 26th. If I don't, then I don't. But that is the last work-day for B-track for this school year. =)
We hope to post some more pictures of OUR house later on. =) That is so cool to say. Right now we only have the 3 (I posted earlier) of the outside. Can't wait to show you guys the inside. =)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Decorating Ideas Anyone? Help!
I've been trying to come up with ideas of how to do the kid's bedroom. Now that we know we will be in a house when Nathan arrives, I actually get to decorate two kiddos' rooms! I guess ours will just have to take the back burner for a while.
For Natty, she absolutely loves animals, ever since she was very young. Her room is already pretty much setup in pinks and browns with a jungle animal theme. She does have quite a bit of jungle animal, and monkey stuff that she loves. I did find a few items I thought would make her bedroom even cooler.
For Nathan, Tim and I had been talking about how much fun it would be to do a PIRATE room! I think that would be totally fun, and definitely something he could grow into.
For Natty, she absolutely loves animals, ever since she was very young. Her room is already pretty much setup in pinks and browns with a jungle animal theme. She does have quite a bit of jungle animal, and monkey stuff that she loves. I did find a few items I thought would make her bedroom even cooler.
Monkey Border
Not sure how I like the red, but the Sock Monkey curtains are CUTE! (They don't look too difficult to make either.)
Natty would LOVE this table set. Kinda a cool idea, if I could find a cheap table set at a garage sale somewhere.
For Nathan, Tim and I had been talking about how much fun it would be to do a PIRATE room! I think that would be totally fun, and definitely something he could grow into.
Right now, I am thinking blacks, blues, reds, and greens for Nathan's room. Not really sure what I will come up with though. AND mind you, I've NEVER attempted to make actual curtains. That'll be an interesting project. However, Nathan will be with us in our room for the first couple months, so I am sure there'll be plenty of time to have fun decorating.
I get to Decorate!
Well, it's official (kinda)! The house is ours! It's off the market, and we're scheduled to close on May 6th. God's timing is perfect.
I've been going bonkers with excitement. Now I'm pooped, and have tried to relax by window e-shopping (?) at, and these are the digs I've found so far that are SO awesome!
Definitely cool for our entry way/living room.
For Natty's room. She LOVES animals.
For play area

For the backyard, we hope to have

For the kids of course
I've been going bonkers with excitement. Now I'm pooped, and have tried to relax by window e-shopping (?) at, and these are the digs I've found so far that are SO awesome!
For the backyard, we hope to have
Yeah, right. As if we were made out of money. But it is fun to plan and dream right? Hey, we are SO incredibly thankful that we will be homeowners! I still can't get over that. I keep saying over and over, "WOW...."
For the kids of course
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So the Roller-Coaster Ride Begins.....
So, it has taken what has felt to me, FOREVER, to hear back as to whether or not our offer was accepted. I was really at a point where I just wanted to find something out, either way, so I would just know. We didn't want to renew our lease - way too expensive. We didn't want to move down the street to cheaper apartments either - BIG hassle.
I woke up today feeling really sick and nauseous all day - hope morning sickness is not coming back. Tim calls me from work today. I just want to curl up in a ball, but he says...
I woke up today feeling really sick and nauseous all day - hope morning sickness is not coming back. Tim calls me from work today. I just want to curl up in a ball, but he says...
our offer's been accepted!!!!
Holy smokes! WHAT?!? Now I think I will REALLY get sick! I just have to reitterate though. God is SO amazing. Only He could have worked out all the puzzle pieces involved. There were so many things up in the air, so to speak. I cannot believe that in 45 (max) short days, we will be homeowners. Yikes!!!
The coolest part is that we will be living on "Promise Road." That is so incredible!!! God does INDEED keep his promises. =) Here are pictures from the front. God sure has good taste - in my opinion.
Front of our BEAUTIFUL house
Picture of the kiddos' bedrooms
The front again!
Can't wait to move in!!!!
Well, I can't say it's been that LONG of a journey. I know people who have been house hunting for months and years. I definitely did not expect our first offer to be the house that God has for us. Thanks for praying for us and continuing to do so. There is so much work ahead of us. I am excited, overwhelmed, and just plain freakin' out!!!!
All in all, an AWESOME Thursday!!!!
Wanting to be a Barnabas
Thursday, March 26, 2009
True Discipleship
After Saul's conversion, there was great doubt among the believers as to whether he had really put his faith in Jesus Christ. After all, he had been a relentless persecutor of the early church. Some even thought his alleged conversion might have been a scheme to infiltrate their ranks.
So God spoke to a man named Ananias and instructed him to go and visit Saul. Ananias probably couldn't believe his ears: "Are we talking about the same Saul here? Are you talking about Saul of Tarsus?"
But God told Ananias, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake" (Acts 9:15–16).
Then God brought another man into Saul's (or Paul's) life. His name was Barnabas, and he personally introduced Paul to all of the other disciples and reassured them that his conversion was sincere.
Now many of us would like to be a Paul. We would love to turn our world upside-down. But the question is, how many of us are willing to be an Ananias or a Barnabas?
You may not be the next Paul. You may not be the next Billy Graham. But you may have an impact the one who will be. That person you take under your wing could shake his or her world.
What Barnabas did is a good illustration of true discipleship, because discipling is not just teaching; it is also being a friend.
True Discipleship
And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. |
— Acts 9:26–27 |
After Saul's conversion, there was great doubt among the believers as to whether he had really put his faith in Jesus Christ. After all, he had been a relentless persecutor of the early church. Some even thought his alleged conversion might have been a scheme to infiltrate their ranks.
So God spoke to a man named Ananias and instructed him to go and visit Saul. Ananias probably couldn't believe his ears: "Are we talking about the same Saul here? Are you talking about Saul of Tarsus?"
But God told Ananias, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake" (Acts 9:15–16).
Then God brought another man into Saul's (or Paul's) life. His name was Barnabas, and he personally introduced Paul to all of the other disciples and reassured them that his conversion was sincere.
Now many of us would like to be a Paul. We would love to turn our world upside-down. But the question is, how many of us are willing to be an Ananias or a Barnabas?
You may not be the next Paul. You may not be the next Billy Graham. But you may have an impact the one who will be. That person you take under your wing could shake his or her world.
What Barnabas did is a good illustration of true discipleship, because discipling is not just teaching; it is also being a friend.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thinking Caps - Got Yours On?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's Time to Put Our Thinking Caps On
Today's devotion is taken from a recent post on Pastor Greg's blog. To see his latest blog entry, click here.
There is an alarming ignorance of who God is and what He is like, even among professing Christians. This was shown in recent poll conducted by The Barna Group.
According to the poll, half of Americans who call themselves "Christian" don't believe that Satan exists and fully one-third are confident that Jesus sinned while on Earth. Further, 25% dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches."
The pollster concluded, "Growing numbers of people now serve as their own 'theologian-in-residence.' One consequence is that Americans are embracing an unpredictable and contradictory body of beliefs."
So it's time to put our "thinking caps" on.
God wants us to think, not just feel.
The Lord entreats us in Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, and let us reason together" (NKJV), or another translation puts it, "Sit down, let's argue this out!" (THE MESSAGE)
When you become a follower of Jesus, you do not have to "check your brains at the door." Christianity is a reasonable, even logical, faith.
That is not to say we don't need to have great faith to follow Christ, but it is to say the teachings of the Bible quite simply make sense!
We need to think and act biblically, not emotionally
Far too many people, when stating their opinion, will say, "I think," "I feel," "I believe," or "My God would never do thus and so."
We need more "The Bible says," because then we will learn to think, feel, and believe the right things. This is called theology, and we neglect it at our own peril.
Experience is never to be the basis for theology. Sound theology, however, is the basis for experience.
C.S. Lewis gave this warning years ago: "If you do not listen to theology, that will not mean that you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong ones!"
We need, as Chuck Swindoll once said, "Sound theology without apology." Because what we believe about God will affect the way that we live. As 1 Timothy 4:16 says, "Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers" (NIV).
It's Time to Put Our Thinking Caps On
Come now, and let us reason together. |
— Isaiah 1:18 |
Today's devotion is taken from a recent post on Pastor Greg's blog. To see his latest blog entry, click here.
There is an alarming ignorance of who God is and what He is like, even among professing Christians. This was shown in recent poll conducted by The Barna Group.
According to the poll, half of Americans who call themselves "Christian" don't believe that Satan exists and fully one-third are confident that Jesus sinned while on Earth. Further, 25% dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches."
The pollster concluded, "Growing numbers of people now serve as their own 'theologian-in-residence.' One consequence is that Americans are embracing an unpredictable and contradictory body of beliefs."
So it's time to put our "thinking caps" on.
God wants us to think, not just feel.
The Lord entreats us in Isaiah 1:18, "Come now, and let us reason together" (NKJV), or another translation puts it, "Sit down, let's argue this out!" (THE MESSAGE)
When you become a follower of Jesus, you do not have to "check your brains at the door." Christianity is a reasonable, even logical, faith.
That is not to say we don't need to have great faith to follow Christ, but it is to say the teachings of the Bible quite simply make sense!
We need to think and act biblically, not emotionally
Far too many people, when stating their opinion, will say, "I think," "I feel," "I believe," or "My God would never do thus and so."
We need more "The Bible says," because then we will learn to think, feel, and believe the right things. This is called theology, and we neglect it at our own peril.
Experience is never to be the basis for theology. Sound theology, however, is the basis for experience.
C.S. Lewis gave this warning years ago: "If you do not listen to theology, that will not mean that you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong ones!"
We need, as Chuck Swindoll once said, "Sound theology without apology." Because what we believe about God will affect the way that we live. As 1 Timothy 4:16 says, "Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers" (NIV).
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
25th Week
Well ladies and gents, I am starting my 25th week, or my 7th month, or my 3rd trimester. However you want to look at it. :) The point is, this pregnancy has really FLOWN by, literally. I think part of the reason is that I have had to work through most of it. With Natty, I had both June and July off, because of a track change, and then worked 3 months, and was off the month she was born.
Let's see...what's going on with Nathan.
We finally came up with Nathan's whole name. It is pretty cool, and is an excellent name to grow up with. As I had mentioned before, Nathan means "God provides." We've decided that his middle name will be Joel. Joel means "Jehovah is the Lord." The Bible instructs us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it - from Proverbs 22:6. We truly believe that Nathan's name will be a constant reminder, not only for him, but for us that we serve the Lord, Jehovah, who is our Provider. Isn't that incredible? No matter life's circumstances, we have One who provides for us and sustains us.
Natty still loves her baby brother to pieces. I doubt she realizes complete that there is an ACTUAL baby that will be here in 3 short months. However, I love her child-like love right now, that seems so unconditional. Each morning, she comes and sits with me in bed, and as we wake up for the day, she kisses daddy, kisses me, and HAS to lift up my shirt and kiss "baby" - as she calls him. She has tried Nathan, but it just doesn't come out yet. That's ok. I am just thrilled that she knows Nathan is there.
Natty, my little brainiac, learns something new each day. I cannot wait for her to start saying complete sentences. She is starting to put words together, and that has been pretty amazing to watch. She loves animals, and loves being outside. I can tell we will be doing a lot of outdoorsy things when the kids get a little older. She absolutely loves it outside, and begs to go out NUMEROUS times a day. It is just a matter of time because she learns how to put her shoes on all by herself. She almost has it down, not quite though. When she isn't explore the outdoors, she is engrossed in her books. She loves reading and being read to. We pick up PILES of books after her each day. She goes to sleep with a couple of her favorite books, and she wakes up and reads a couple of her books before she calls for either of us. She definitely is a smart girl, and we are so incredible proud and blessed that we have been entrusted with such an amazing daughter.
In other news, no news! We haven't heard if our offer has been accepted. So we wait, trying to be patient, knowing that whatever the outcome, God will provide and He knows what's best.
We also have our appointment at Harvest on Saturday to be counseled on Natty's dedication. I believe the day we dedicate her will be one of the most important days of our lives. It's a daily reminder to me that she, first, belongs to the Lord. It is also publicly committing to training her up and teaching her about Jesus. I am excited and scared all at the same time. What an important task we have ahead of us. =P
Well, hope you guys are having a great Tuesday. I am looking forward to Tim being off tomorrow. Wednesdays are his only days off (and Sundays), and I am looking forward to being home with him one more day before I go back to work on Monday. I cannot believe that the next time I go off track, Nathan will be making his debut. How incredible!
Good Night everyone!
Let's see...what's going on with Nathan.
- He's roughly the size of a papaya - at my last visit, we found out he's was weighing in at just a pound - my next appointment is April 1st.
- Nathan's face is fully formed - BOY! We cannot wait to see him in July. He's going to be just as gorgeous as his sister.
- Nathan can hear noises - he moves the most when he hears me reading to Natty. Not sure which is prompting the movements more, my talking or Natty's squishing.
We finally came up with Nathan's whole name. It is pretty cool, and is an excellent name to grow up with. As I had mentioned before, Nathan means "God provides." We've decided that his middle name will be Joel. Joel means "Jehovah is the Lord." The Bible instructs us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it - from Proverbs 22:6. We truly believe that Nathan's name will be a constant reminder, not only for him, but for us that we serve the Lord, Jehovah, who is our Provider. Isn't that incredible? No matter life's circumstances, we have One who provides for us and sustains us.
Natty still loves her baby brother to pieces. I doubt she realizes complete that there is an ACTUAL baby that will be here in 3 short months. However, I love her child-like love right now, that seems so unconditional. Each morning, she comes and sits with me in bed, and as we wake up for the day, she kisses daddy, kisses me, and HAS to lift up my shirt and kiss "baby" - as she calls him. She has tried Nathan, but it just doesn't come out yet. That's ok. I am just thrilled that she knows Nathan is there.
Natty, my little brainiac, learns something new each day. I cannot wait for her to start saying complete sentences. She is starting to put words together, and that has been pretty amazing to watch. She loves animals, and loves being outside. I can tell we will be doing a lot of outdoorsy things when the kids get a little older. She absolutely loves it outside, and begs to go out NUMEROUS times a day. It is just a matter of time because she learns how to put her shoes on all by herself. She almost has it down, not quite though. When she isn't explore the outdoors, she is engrossed in her books. She loves reading and being read to. We pick up PILES of books after her each day. She goes to sleep with a couple of her favorite books, and she wakes up and reads a couple of her books before she calls for either of us. She definitely is a smart girl, and we are so incredible proud and blessed that we have been entrusted with such an amazing daughter.
In other news, no news! We haven't heard if our offer has been accepted. So we wait, trying to be patient, knowing that whatever the outcome, God will provide and He knows what's best.
We also have our appointment at Harvest on Saturday to be counseled on Natty's dedication. I believe the day we dedicate her will be one of the most important days of our lives. It's a daily reminder to me that she, first, belongs to the Lord. It is also publicly committing to training her up and teaching her about Jesus. I am excited and scared all at the same time. What an important task we have ahead of us. =P
Well, hope you guys are having a great Tuesday. I am looking forward to Tim being off tomorrow. Wednesdays are his only days off (and Sundays), and I am looking forward to being home with him one more day before I go back to work on Monday. I cannot believe that the next time I go off track, Nathan will be making his debut. How incredible!
Good Night everyone!
Prayer Request
It sure has been a crazy week! There are many people out there we know that really need our prayers and support. My cousin has posted a prayer request for a little boy she knows back in Minnesota. If you are compelled, please check it out HERE and lift Stellan and his family up in prayer. It is so rough to be the parent of a sick child, but it's even worse to be the sick child.
I was so blessed by the verse that Candie posted. Luke18:27 says that "What is impossible with men is possible with God." It is so reassuring to know that in the midst of chaos, we serve a God that isn't a God of confusion. He knows what is going on and why. In the middle of trials, no matter how grim circumstance, God is there. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9. God says,
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
I was so blessed by the verse that Candie posted. Luke18:27 says that "What is impossible with men is possible with God." It is so reassuring to know that in the midst of chaos, we serve a God that isn't a God of confusion. He knows what is going on and why. In the middle of trials, no matter how grim circumstance, God is there. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9. God says,
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Let's Turn Our World Upside Down
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Early Church Had It Right
Today's devotion is adapted from a recent post on Pastor Greg's blog. To see his latest blog entry, click here.
The early Church, the Church of the book of Acts, "turned their world upside down" (see Acts 17:6). Do we ever need that today!
These first-century believers were filled with both joy and the fear of the Lord.
Acts 2:46-47 tells us, "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people" (NKJV).
This phrase "gladness and sincerity of heart" literally means "with unaffected joy!" I love that–they were not afraid to express joy in their faith.
But there also was a sense or reverence and awe among these believers. Acts 2:43 says, "Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles" (NKJV).
What is the fear of the Lord?
It does not mean you should be afraid of God. To fear God means that you have a healthy respect or reverence for Him. Another translation describes it as "a wholesome dread of displeasing God." In other words, I love God so much that I want to do all I can to keep from displeasing Him.
Look, I am all for relevance. We need to make sense to the people we are reaching. But let's not lower our standard in order to extend our reach.
Let's not trade reverence for relevance.
I think for us to seek to live godly lives is very relevant, and very different than what this world has to offer. That's how we will turn our world upside down, instead of the world turning us upside down.
The Early Church Had It Right
Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. |
— Acts 2:43 |
Today's devotion is adapted from a recent post on Pastor Greg's blog. To see his latest blog entry, click here.
The early Church, the Church of the book of Acts, "turned their world upside down" (see Acts 17:6). Do we ever need that today!
These first-century believers were filled with both joy and the fear of the Lord.
Acts 2:46-47 tells us, "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people" (NKJV).
This phrase "gladness and sincerity of heart" literally means "with unaffected joy!" I love that–they were not afraid to express joy in their faith.
But there also was a sense or reverence and awe among these believers. Acts 2:43 says, "Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles" (NKJV).
What is the fear of the Lord?
It does not mean you should be afraid of God. To fear God means that you have a healthy respect or reverence for Him. Another translation describes it as "a wholesome dread of displeasing God." In other words, I love God so much that I want to do all I can to keep from displeasing Him.
Look, I am all for relevance. We need to make sense to the people we are reaching. But let's not lower our standard in order to extend our reach.
Let's not trade reverence for relevance.
I think for us to seek to live godly lives is very relevant, and very different than what this world has to offer. That's how we will turn our world upside down, instead of the world turning us upside down.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Urgent Prayer Request
Hi All. Please praying for my mother-in-law's friend, Lola, from church. She will be undergoing brain surgery 7:30 tomorrow (Monday 3/23) morning. Thank you everyone.
Friday, March 20, 2009
For Such a Time as This
Well, it's Friday again! Hope your week has been great. Ours sure has been busy! I'm definitely looking forward to a peaceful weekend.
Friday, March 20, 2009
For Such a Time as This
In the Old Testament book of Esther, we read of a beautiful young girl who essentially won a beauty contest and became queen over the kingdom. A very wicked man named Haman developed a plot to exterminate all of the Jewish people.
Queen Esther was safe and secure in the palace. She didn't want to bother herself with the problems of those people. Everything was going all right for her.
But her uncle Mordecai came to her and said:
Esther recognized what she needed to do. She appealed to the king, averted the plot, and God saved the Jews.
I say to you also, who knows whether God has not put you where you are at this moment for such a time as this.
This world is getting darker. The only hope for our world is a spiritual awakening.
Don't put too much hope in politicians or diplomats. We have got to get the gospel out. We have got to work as never before, because time is short. The devil knows that, and he is trying to drag as many people down as he possibly can.
We have got to get out there and make a difference. God wants to use you, and He has a place for you, a part for you to play, a seed for you to sow, a call for you to answer.
You can make a difference.
Friday, March 20, 2009
For Such a Time as This
"Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" |
— Esther 4:14 |
In the Old Testament book of Esther, we read of a beautiful young girl who essentially won a beauty contest and became queen over the kingdom. A very wicked man named Haman developed a plot to exterminate all of the Jewish people.
Queen Esther was safe and secure in the palace. She didn't want to bother herself with the problems of those people. Everything was going all right for her.
But her uncle Mordecai came to her and said:
If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place. But who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)
Esther recognized what she needed to do. She appealed to the king, averted the plot, and God saved the Jews.
I say to you also, who knows whether God has not put you where you are at this moment for such a time as this.
This world is getting darker. The only hope for our world is a spiritual awakening.
Don't put too much hope in politicians or diplomats. We have got to get the gospel out. We have got to work as never before, because time is short. The devil knows that, and he is trying to drag as many people down as he possibly can.
We have got to get out there and make a difference. God wants to use you, and He has a place for you, a part for you to play, a seed for you to sow, a call for you to answer.
You can make a difference.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fun with Natty - Our Typical Day
I so much love being off track with Natty. She is just so much fun! Today, she finally learned how to tell us "no" - nonverbally. It's too cute! If you have Facebook, check the video out on my page.
I love just being able to relax with her. Although I've never really been one for routine, we pretty much have one down. We (both) wake up around 7:30. She is such a great gal to let Mommy sleep in some. She usually wakes up around 7, but doesn't make any noise until 7:30. She has developed a love for books - which Daddy is very thrilled with. She will sit in her crib and read her books. She HAS to have at least 2 books to look at when she goes to sleep at night.
We come down and enjoy some breakfast - her favorite is scrambled eggs, and cheese - on the side. Oh, side note, Natty is learning to put words together. Today, she learned how to say "cheese-crackers" for cheeze-its. After breakfast is done, we have some juice, and clean up.
We head out onto our little apartment balcony and water our flowers. We were very excited to discover that we have 6 sunflower sprouts and our other spring mix is starting to sprout as well, just one though. Natty loves being outside, and loves nature. She loves to pick flowers and find leaves.
After our outting, we get cleaned up again - she usually has dirt all over her face, and we play and read, and read and play. She takes a nap, and then I take my nap. =) When she wakes up, we have a yummy lunch, usually spaghetti or mac & cheese - her two favorites.
If we have spaghetti (like today), bath time follows. Today, she also learned how to climb into the bathtub. She wasn't too sure what to make of it when she got in. She just sort of had this shock look on her face.
After we clean up, it's usually late enough to go check the mail. Of course, we have to pick our flowers (weeds and dandelions). If we get a house, I'm positive she will be an excellent gardener and weed-picker. =P Then, we go through the adds - Natty always points out banana to me (another favorite). Then we read and play, and play and read.
Then it's dinner time! Not really sure where I fit laundry and dishes in, but it gets done, and the best part is having time to spend with Natty.
In other news, we placed our first offer on our first home. It's been quite a tangle this week. I really though it would be cut and dry - yes to the offer or no to the offer. Ugh, it's way more complicated than that. Thank goodness we have God working out the wrinkles. We have confidence that the right house (if it's this one) will come when it's His time. In the meantime, I try to not get overwhelmed, and just pray, relax, stay calm, and have fun with Natty.
The house is in Lake Elsinore, just 20 minutes from our apartment now. It's 10-15 minutes away from our favorite shopping area, Cajalco. Tim's favorite part is that there is a Chilli's down the street! We know where he'll want to go to dinner! I've found most of my favorite and routine stores around the area, and they are pretty much within a 5-10 minute radius - Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc. Gotta have means to get my weekly deals.
I also like that it's a small city and quite. The house is new and the neighborhood looks fairly new. The past couple times we've gone out, it's been really nice and peaceful. I love the idea of taking the kids (can't believe I can say that now) out to the lake to do outdoorsy stuff.
My pregnancy is going smooth. I am measuring larger than I am, but as far as I know, Nathan is healthy and Mommy's healthy. He's a strong, active, little guy. I cannot wait to see him face to face. This pregnancy has sure gone by fast. In all actuality, I have only 3 1/2 months to go! Eek!
Well, thanks everyone for asking us about what's going on and keeping us in your prayers. We appreciate it tremendously!
I love just being able to relax with her. Although I've never really been one for routine, we pretty much have one down. We (both) wake up around 7:30. She is such a great gal to let Mommy sleep in some. She usually wakes up around 7, but doesn't make any noise until 7:30. She has developed a love for books - which Daddy is very thrilled with. She will sit in her crib and read her books. She HAS to have at least 2 books to look at when she goes to sleep at night.
We come down and enjoy some breakfast - her favorite is scrambled eggs, and cheese - on the side. Oh, side note, Natty is learning to put words together. Today, she learned how to say "cheese-crackers" for cheeze-its. After breakfast is done, we have some juice, and clean up.
We head out onto our little apartment balcony and water our flowers. We were very excited to discover that we have 6 sunflower sprouts and our other spring mix is starting to sprout as well, just one though. Natty loves being outside, and loves nature. She loves to pick flowers and find leaves.
After our outting, we get cleaned up again - she usually has dirt all over her face, and we play and read, and read and play. She takes a nap, and then I take my nap. =) When she wakes up, we have a yummy lunch, usually spaghetti or mac & cheese - her two favorites.
If we have spaghetti (like today), bath time follows. Today, she also learned how to climb into the bathtub. She wasn't too sure what to make of it when she got in. She just sort of had this shock look on her face.
After we clean up, it's usually late enough to go check the mail. Of course, we have to pick our flowers (weeds and dandelions). If we get a house, I'm positive she will be an excellent gardener and weed-picker. =P Then, we go through the adds - Natty always points out banana to me (another favorite). Then we read and play, and play and read.
Then it's dinner time! Not really sure where I fit laundry and dishes in, but it gets done, and the best part is having time to spend with Natty.
In other news, we placed our first offer on our first home. It's been quite a tangle this week. I really though it would be cut and dry - yes to the offer or no to the offer. Ugh, it's way more complicated than that. Thank goodness we have God working out the wrinkles. We have confidence that the right house (if it's this one) will come when it's His time. In the meantime, I try to not get overwhelmed, and just pray, relax, stay calm, and have fun with Natty.
The house is in Lake Elsinore, just 20 minutes from our apartment now. It's 10-15 minutes away from our favorite shopping area, Cajalco. Tim's favorite part is that there is a Chilli's down the street! We know where he'll want to go to dinner! I've found most of my favorite and routine stores around the area, and they are pretty much within a 5-10 minute radius - Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc. Gotta have means to get my weekly deals.
I also like that it's a small city and quite. The house is new and the neighborhood looks fairly new. The past couple times we've gone out, it's been really nice and peaceful. I love the idea of taking the kids (can't believe I can say that now) out to the lake to do outdoorsy stuff.
My pregnancy is going smooth. I am measuring larger than I am, but as far as I know, Nathan is healthy and Mommy's healthy. He's a strong, active, little guy. I cannot wait to see him face to face. This pregnancy has sure gone by fast. In all actuality, I have only 3 1/2 months to go! Eek!
Well, thanks everyone for asking us about what's going on and keeping us in your prayers. We appreciate it tremendously!
What's Your Motivation?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Full of Compassion
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
— Matthew 9:36
Motivation is one of the most important things about the person whom God will use. If you don't have motivation, you are not going to do anything.
When it comes to sharing our faith and reaching out to others with the gospel, we offer up a plethora of excuses as to why we cannot do it. But in all honesty, the reason Christians are not sharing their faith is we don't want to be bothered with it. We lack a simple, basic burden and concern.
Let's see what motivated Jesus when He saw the needs of the people:
But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Matthew 9:36–37)
You can see this pattern of compassion throughout the ministry of Jesus. He saw the people's deepest need. He saw where they were hurting the most. He saw behind the façade. He saw the real cry of the heart. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, and He had compassion on them.
If God is going to use you in any capacity, you will have to develop compassion for the lost. Isn't it God's objective to conform us into the image of His own dear Son?
The Bible says, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). We should seek to imitate the Lord and have that compassion, too.
Greg Laurie
Full of Compassion
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
— Matthew 9:36
Motivation is one of the most important things about the person whom God will use. If you don't have motivation, you are not going to do anything.
When it comes to sharing our faith and reaching out to others with the gospel, we offer up a plethora of excuses as to why we cannot do it. But in all honesty, the reason Christians are not sharing their faith is we don't want to be bothered with it. We lack a simple, basic burden and concern.
Let's see what motivated Jesus when He saw the needs of the people:
But when Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." (Matthew 9:36–37)
You can see this pattern of compassion throughout the ministry of Jesus. He saw the people's deepest need. He saw where they were hurting the most. He saw behind the façade. He saw the real cry of the heart. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, and He had compassion on them.
If God is going to use you in any capacity, you will have to develop compassion for the lost. Isn't it God's objective to conform us into the image of His own dear Son?
The Bible says, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). We should seek to imitate the Lord and have that compassion, too.
Greg Laurie
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday Devotion
Used By God
The greatest moment in my life clearly was the day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It's a day I just won't forget—it changed the course of my life.
I wanted to try to make up for the years I had wasted up to that point. I wanted to learn more about God; I wanted to have a relationship with Him. I couldn't get enough.
What was happening in my life was that God was changing me. I wanted to reach out to other people with the message of the gospel. I wanted God to use me.
When the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, Joshua exhorted them "to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Joshua 22:5). That was what I have wanted to do.
As I have often said, next to being a Christian, the greatest joy I know of in this life is serving the Lord, and having God direct your steps.
It amazes me that the Creator of the universe, the Almighty God would condescend to work in my life. It is totally amazing. It is the highest privilege conceivable that God wants to use us.
Serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. |
— Joshua 22:5 |
The greatest moment in my life clearly was the day that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It's a day I just won't forget—it changed the course of my life.
I wanted to try to make up for the years I had wasted up to that point. I wanted to learn more about God; I wanted to have a relationship with Him. I couldn't get enough.
What was happening in my life was that God was changing me. I wanted to reach out to other people with the message of the gospel. I wanted God to use me.
When the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, Joshua exhorted them "to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Joshua 22:5). That was what I have wanted to do.
As I have often said, next to being a Christian, the greatest joy I know of in this life is serving the Lord, and having God direct your steps.
It amazes me that the Creator of the universe, the Almighty God would condescend to work in my life. It is totally amazing. It is the highest privilege conceivable that God wants to use us.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Our Flower Girl
This is a glimpse into our special daily routine. Everyday we water our new flowers we planted (anxiously waiting for them to sprout), and we pick flowers when we go check the mail.
Natty LOVES being outside. She'll bring me her shoes every 30 minutes or so, and say "beep beep," then knocks on the door. I suppose that is her way of telling me she wants to go. :) She also knows Tim's home when she hears his car, because the car lock system also goes "beep beep," so she associates it with Daddy. :)
Enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Gnocchi Soup
Might not be as good as Olive Garden's version, but I adapted a recipe I found for Gnocchi Soup, which turned out pretty well. If you like gnocchi, you may like it. It's super easy and simple, and takes a total of about 25 minutes.
Gnocchi Soup (Yields 4 servings)
- 1 lb. gnocchi (typically 1 package)
- 3/4 can of cream of potato
- 2 medium potatoes, diced
- 32 oz. of chicken broth
- 2-3 strips of bacon, cut into corse bits
- 1/4 c. evaporated milk
- thyme (fresh or dried) for garnish
- Bring chicken broth to boil on med-high.
- Stir in cream of potato soup.
- Add diced potatoes. Cook until potatoes are tender.
- In a small pan, cook bacon. Drain. Add to soup.
- Bring a separate pot of water to boil. Follow directions to cook gnocchi. Drain.
- Add gnocchi to soup.
- Stir in evaporated milk.
- Garnish with thyme.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Our Smart Cookie
We are so proud of our daughter. She has been blessed with such an amazing mind. Click here to see what she's learned this past week. She has also been learning pratcially one new word a day. I am so amazed. I really do not want to go back to work. I've just really enjoyed working with her. She loves books, and asks us to read her multiple books, numerous times each day. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Do you, or anyone you know, live in Orange County, California? If so, let them know about Thursdays with Greg Laurie, a new Bible study starting this Thursday, March 12. For more information, click here.
Choose Life!
Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live . . .
— Deuteronomy 30:19
In making a covenant with His people, God made an interesting statement. He said, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live . . ." (Deuteronomy 30:19). It's amazing that some people consciously choose death. But that is essentially what we do when we decide to go against God and His Word.
I must admit to you that sin can be very appealing. Because of the short-term pleasures sin brings, we often don't think of its long-term repercussions. I ask you right now, is your sin forgiven? Or are you without that hope, without that knowledge that your sin is forgiven? Until you deal with your sin, it's as if you have erected a wall between you and your God. There is an old saying, "If you feel you are far from God, guess who moved?" God hasn't gone anywhere. But perhaps we have. Perhaps we have let our sin separate us from Him.
We may pray, we may try to draw close to the Lord, but the sin we have not dealt with must be confessed before we can find the forgiveness God wants us to experience. God does and God will forgive sin. He can and will forgive your sin. Choose forgiveness, choose life.
Do you, or anyone you know, live in Orange County, California? If so, let them know about Thursdays with Greg Laurie, a new Bible study starting this Thursday, March 12. For more information, click here.
Choose Life!
Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live . . .
— Deuteronomy 30:19
In making a covenant with His people, God made an interesting statement. He said, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live . . ." (Deuteronomy 30:19). It's amazing that some people consciously choose death. But that is essentially what we do when we decide to go against God and His Word.
I must admit to you that sin can be very appealing. Because of the short-term pleasures sin brings, we often don't think of its long-term repercussions. I ask you right now, is your sin forgiven? Or are you without that hope, without that knowledge that your sin is forgiven? Until you deal with your sin, it's as if you have erected a wall between you and your God. There is an old saying, "If you feel you are far from God, guess who moved?" God hasn't gone anywhere. But perhaps we have. Perhaps we have let our sin separate us from Him.
We may pray, we may try to draw close to the Lord, but the sin we have not dealt with must be confessed before we can find the forgiveness God wants us to experience. God does and God will forgive sin. He can and will forgive your sin. Choose forgiveness, choose life.
Free Tote from Fresh and Easy
Found this cool link. We have a couple of Fresh and Easy stores opening up in our area. On their site, you can get a coupon to receive a free tote back. Go here.
Enjoy and Good Monday Night (or Tuesday Morning).
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Get on Your Knees and Pray...
Happy Thursday everyone. I have definitely enjoyed the past 4 days I've had with Natty. I'm off track for most of March. It is such a blessing to be home.
It's been a busy week with errands, Dr. visit, and CA Adventures (we finally used our last 2-fers). Tim and I have been looking at other places to live. Quite a few months ago, we discovered that we qualified for a good size home and our mortgage payments would be HALF our rent, yes, HALF our rent. So we've been picking up the housing search again. Please keep us in prayer.
In attempts of trying to save up for a down payment, we've really been cutting our budget everywhere. My new goal has been getting groceries weekly w/ $30 or less. I've noticed that if I went more often, I spent less at a time, and I tend to run out of items less frequently - eliminating "emergency" runs. I did pretty good 3 out of 4 weeks. I was just under $40 this past week, but it was time to stock up on meat. But hey, I saved 66% of my bill. So, a good day over all. I'll post some money-saving "tricks" and "tips" I've found to work for me later on.
Our doctor's visit for Nathan went great. We really like my doctor. He is a great guy, very thorough, and has a great personality. He has reported that my ultrasounds gave me 7/7 as a due date. I am 21 weeks along, but measuring 22 weeks. Nathan is growing great, and is already weighing in at a pound. Please pray he continues to grow and is healthy. He's such an active little guy. He's been letting me sleep more, which is nice. =)
In other news, I received an e-mail from a friend, and I posting an excerpt here.
Call to Prayer
Today, March 5th, one of the most significant court cases in America’s history will take place. The California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding the overturning of the vote of the people last year to pass Proposition 8, which defines marriage between a man and a woman. If this vote is overturned, not only will it set a major precedent of the court’s power over the will of the people, but it will likely be the flash point that will determine the future of America as liberal and homosexual agendas will disseminate throughout the educational systems and into the very fiber of American culture. The California State Senate just ruled against the peoples’ vote and asked the court to overthrow the defining of marriage as between a man and a woman. Senator Leno likened the people who voted for Prop 8 to the Germans who voted for the Nazi Regime.
During these past three months since President Obama’s election, the voices of rage against Judeo-Christian values and against the church have been emboldened to use inflammatory language and pass bills and laws that are anti-Christian in their very nature. When senators use such language, persecution is close at hand. We are in a desperate moment in American history. Everyone is pointing to the severe crisis of our economy, but I am convinced it is only an indicator of a massive moral decline America has slid into. It is time to pray, humble ourselves, and rid ourselves of moral compromise in the Church. If the salt loses its savor, it is only good for being thrown out and trampled under the foot of man.
Thank you for praying of us and keep Prop 8 in prayer. No matter the circumstances, we believe that our Lord will prevail. He is all-powerful, and His truth is a two-edged sword that pierces the heart. We pray that people in high places will lend an ear to His Word and their hearts to His.
Have a great Thursday!
It's been a busy week with errands, Dr. visit, and CA Adventures (we finally used our last 2-fers). Tim and I have been looking at other places to live. Quite a few months ago, we discovered that we qualified for a good size home and our mortgage payments would be HALF our rent, yes, HALF our rent. So we've been picking up the housing search again. Please keep us in prayer.
In attempts of trying to save up for a down payment, we've really been cutting our budget everywhere. My new goal has been getting groceries weekly w/ $30 or less. I've noticed that if I went more often, I spent less at a time, and I tend to run out of items less frequently - eliminating "emergency" runs. I did pretty good 3 out of 4 weeks. I was just under $40 this past week, but it was time to stock up on meat. But hey, I saved 66% of my bill. So, a good day over all. I'll post some money-saving "tricks" and "tips" I've found to work for me later on.
Our doctor's visit for Nathan went great. We really like my doctor. He is a great guy, very thorough, and has a great personality. He has reported that my ultrasounds gave me 7/7 as a due date. I am 21 weeks along, but measuring 22 weeks. Nathan is growing great, and is already weighing in at a pound. Please pray he continues to grow and is healthy. He's such an active little guy. He's been letting me sleep more, which is nice. =)
In other news, I received an e-mail from a friend, and I posting an excerpt here.
Call to Prayer
Today, March 5th, one of the most significant court cases in America’s history will take place. The California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding the overturning of the vote of the people last year to pass Proposition 8, which defines marriage between a man and a woman. If this vote is overturned, not only will it set a major precedent of the court’s power over the will of the people, but it will likely be the flash point that will determine the future of America as liberal and homosexual agendas will disseminate throughout the educational systems and into the very fiber of American culture. The California State Senate just ruled against the peoples’ vote and asked the court to overthrow the defining of marriage as between a man and a woman. Senator Leno likened the people who voted for Prop 8 to the Germans who voted for the Nazi Regime.
During these past three months since President Obama’s election, the voices of rage against Judeo-Christian values and against the church have been emboldened to use inflammatory language and pass bills and laws that are anti-Christian in their very nature. When senators use such language, persecution is close at hand. We are in a desperate moment in American history. Everyone is pointing to the severe crisis of our economy, but I am convinced it is only an indicator of a massive moral decline America has slid into. It is time to pray, humble ourselves, and rid ourselves of moral compromise in the Church. If the salt loses its savor, it is only good for being thrown out and trampled under the foot of man.
Thank you for praying of us and keep Prop 8 in prayer. No matter the circumstances, we believe that our Lord will prevail. He is all-powerful, and His truth is a two-edged sword that pierces the heart. We pray that people in high places will lend an ear to His Word and their hearts to His.
Have a great Thursday!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Free Degree for Men Sample
Hey everyone. Happy Tuesday. Go HERE for a freebie sample of Degree for Men.
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