Saturday, June 28, 2008

Off Track!

YES!!! FREEDOM!!!!!!

That's right, I am officially "off-track!"

I've been thinking a lot about what to do while I'm off track. The past couple times I've been off track, I haven't gotten much done between graduating and Natty being born. With a productive mindset in place, I've made a list of things I'd like to get done during July.

  1. Have a garage sale and get rid of junk! (and make $$$ while doing it!)
  2. Finish baby proofing the apartment.
  3. Go through our storage and get rid of stuff we don't need.
  4. Organize the apartment more.
  5. Catch up on laundry and dishes.
  6. Send stuff in for APLE Grant.
  7. Turn in credential to the D.O.
  8. Meet with Century 21 and start house hunting.
  9. And, of course, bond more with Natty!
  10. Possibly squeeze in a couple date nights with Tim too! :)

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