Alrighty! So, our little "monkey" if officially 7 months old TODAY! She is the love of our lives! We absolutely adore and treasure every moment we get with her. Each day she is doing something new now. So far, she's waved, sat herself up, crawl, and gets into "everything" that's on the floor - stuff that I don't even realize is there. Well, I didn't "baby-proof" this weekend. It just didn't happen. It was too hot, and I was too tired to go out, so I didn't. Here's my favorite picture of Natty so far. I think she has the most gorgeous blue eyes ever...
It's been really H-O-T here in CA. We've had to be a lot more careful with Natty. We have been discovering that the heat is really bothering her. We were watching Game 5 of Lakes vs Celtics and she all at once started throwing up - like projectile vomiting. It's happened a couple times before and each time she's just nursed and was hot and sweaty, so we have been trying to keep her tiny body cool. It's strange that so much can come out of such a small, fragile body. Poor Natty.... =(
In other news, I've finally filed for my "clear credential." According to CA, I guess I'm a "highly qualified" teacher - whatever that means. My credential is in the mail, and for the rest of my teaching career - every 5 years - I get to keep paying the District, so I can keep my job. Yay for me!
We are still house-hunting. We're pre-approved, so now we are saving up for a down-payment. Did I mention we're taking donations? =P
Well, hope everyone else is staying cool and off to a great week. Happy Monday!
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