Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good-Bye 2008!

If you got our Christmas letter, you probably already know all the highlights this year has had for us, as a family. In case our letter did not make it out to you, here are our family's highlights of 2008!

  • Arinda is on maternity leave with Baby Nattaya.
  • Tim turns 27! (Gettin' close to 30!)
  • Arinda goes back to work (boo!).
  • Arinda turns 25 ( a 1/4 of a century, yikes!).
  • We celebrated our 2nd Valentines Day as a married couple.

  • Off track time with Natty.
  • Our first big outting as a family - Aquarium of the Pacific!
  • Back to work for Arinda.
  • Arinda's aunt from Thailand comes to visit and meets Natty for the first time!

  • Arinda completes all her BTSA training! Yeah!
  • Arinda completes her 2nd year of full time teaching.
  • Proud to see her group of 8th graders graduated onto High School.

  • Off track time!
  • Teaching year 3 beings, and so does Arinda's Level II credentials.
  • Tim begins the last stretch for his Masters.
  • Tim's been at Office Max for a year! Woo Hoo for a raise!
  • Lauren turns 1 and Curtis turns 3! Natty goes to a birthday party!

  • We celebrate our 2nd anniversary - Yummy "On the Border!"
  • Arinda made Natty's costume - by herself!
  • Arinda got a root canal - on Halloween. Bah!
  • We found out the Lord is blessing us with Baby #2!
  • Natty turns one!
  • Arinda finishes 4/5 classes.
  • Tim's done with classwork for his Masters! (Woo! Hoo!)
  • Arinda's done with school for her Level II credential.
  • Arinda is 13 weeks along.
  • Natty likes candy canes.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Homemade Butter Sauce

My stomach has been really senstive to tomato sauce lately. I guess the baby just doesn't like it. Well, I wanted something easy and quick to make for dinner tonight (since I'm exhausted and Tim gets off at 6). I ALWAYS have all the ingreadients for pasta. However, tomato sauce just did not sound that appetizing to me. I googled (is that a word now?) for simple butter pasta sauces and found this one that I adapted. This recipe will make enough sauce for a 4-6 serving of pasta and some leftover for garlic bread spread if you feel so inclined. :)


1 1/3 c. of butter (margarine will do - that's what I used)
4 cloves of garlic (minced, or use a garlic press)
2 tbs. oregano
3 tbs. dried basil

  • Melt butter on medium low in a saucepan.
  • Add garlic and cook on medium for 5 minutes.
  • Reduce heat to low and add oregano and basil. Stir.
  • Keep on lowest heat until ready to serve.

It tastes great on pasta. You can also use it as a spread for garlic bread. I mixed my bow-tie pasta with the sauce and served some broiled tilapia and shrimp on the side. Very Yummy!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This week has really been B-U-S-Y!!!  Despite the way our economy has been, our family has been very blessed to be able to be with friends and family for Christmas.  For Christmas Eve Ever, we got to hang out with some very cool people, The Marleys.  We learned to play this AWESOME game called Jamaica.  Check out it, it's awesome.

For Christmas Eve, we went to service at Harvest, and I was so blessed by it.  Totally different from services the years before, but it was AWESOME!  Then we ventured out to Orange County to spend the evening with Tim's extended family.  Natty seemed to really enjoy herself.  She has several cousins around her age now.  She has really started to become more social and interact with other kids.  She is now in toddlers at chruch, and she is having a blast.  It does help that her uncle does the puppet show. :-P

For Christmas Day, we went to Tim's parents' in the morning, and spent the rest of the day with my family.  Natty sure made out like a bandit.  She was really more interested in the ribbons and bows than the actual gifts.  Tim got a bunch of books and movies, shirt, cologne, and gift to Barnes and Noble (lucky!).  I got a chain (to wear my wedding rings on when my hands get too swollen later on in my pregnancy - I had this problem with Natty, but I didn't noticed until it was too late and I couldn't get my rings off), 2 books I have been wanted to read (Inkdeath and Diary of a Wimpy Kid), 1st season of According to Jim (story of my life - kinda - Tim's a lot nice than Jim), scrapbook set (from my parents), new cookie sheets (with cookie cookbook), bath stuff, a tea cup & teas (Chrissy), Sean got Tim and I a giftcard to Olive Garden (score!) & chocolates, and I got the book Phantom of the Opera.  Here's the best part....

Inside the book are..................

Of course I have to wait until Feb. 10th, but hey, I'll  hopefully have the book done by it.  It's really good!  I'll post pictures later on of our various visits.  Hope your Christmas was as blessed as ours!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Haircut

Well, this is the new haircut.  Still getting used to it, but I really like it.  I had a total blast getting it done.  I love being mommy, but it was nice to get out and be pampered for a little bit. 

In other news, I'm just about 12 weeks along.  Morning sickness (all-day sickness) is taking its time trailing off.  It is getting better bit by bit.  We are super excited, and Natty seems to be falling in love with the baby more and more everyday.
Christmas this year has been especially fun.  Natty really likes the tree we put up and the ornaments.  Surprisingly, we've put all our presents under the tree and she hasn't even bothered them at all.  She is such a good girl.  Everyday we are more and more proud of her.
Well, as Christmas is closing in, don't forget why we're really celebrating.  The birth and life of Jesus Christ.  Don't get boggled down with the shopping and parking and money and troubles.  Have a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Soup Recipe

The recent chilly weather has really put me in a soup mood.  I created this soup tonight, and must say, turned out pretty good!  Good enough to satisfy my "pregnant" appetite and tummy.

I call it....

Potato-Tomato soup with Chicken  (Time:  Approx. 30 mins.)

  • 1 can of Cream of Potato soup (condensed)
  • 1 can of Cream of Tomato soup (condensed)
  • 1 can of water
  • 1 can of whole-milk
  • 3 Chicken Tenderloins (Thawed and cubed)
  • 1 Package of Mrs. Grass Garden Vegatable soup/dip mix
  • 1 Package of Uncle Ben's Cheesy Rice (microwaved for 1 min)
  • On medium heat combine potato soup, tomato soup, milk, and water.
  • Once soup begins to bubble, reduce to medium low and combine chicken.
  • Cook on medium low until chicken is cooked.
  • Combine soup/dip mix and rice.  Stir and cook on low until ingredients are combined.  (My daughter loves noodles so I actually added 2 handfuls of whole wheat fusilli.)
This soup cooks up pretty thick (which is my favorite).  Add a can of water if soup is too thick to your liking.  This recipe serves about 4 good, hearty servings.  Garnish with a little parsley (optional).  Goes great with breadsticks or a couple slices of french bread.

Monday, December 8, 2008

God Still Performs Miracles

You heard me!  God is still definitely in the business of performing miracles.  I am just under 10 weeks along now.  We had a little scare over the weekend, but God is good.  I think one of the hardest things I've found about being a "mom" is that now matter how hard I try to strive to be that mom that I think my children deserve, I am not in control.  That fact scares me to pieces.  I have a wonderful husband who is my constant reminder that God is stronger than anyone or anything.  He is capable; and He is the great Physician.  I don't like not being in the control of things, but it is better than I have a God who knows what's going on and will not make a mess of things (as would be the case if I was in charge).  Anyhow, it was an eventful and tiring weekend.

I was in dire need of some much needed rest.  I took the day off work today.  I was bummed I used one of my sick days, but it was needed.  We saw Dr. today, and we were so blessed to see the Baby's flickering heartbeat.  I never tire of seeing that picture.  I am desperately waiting until the baby is big enough to feel movements.  In the meantime, here is a picture of our "little" great miracle.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Life is Good when You are Paid to Shop!!!!

Yes that's right!  You heard me (read me?)!  I really had no intention of going out shopping today on "Black Friday."  However, I could not help but notice so really good bargains at CVS.  Below is a picture of my loot.  Now I still consider myself pretty new to the frugally shopping mommy world, but I could not help but be proud of myself on this shopping trip.  I made a good $21 and some odd cents on this trip.  Check it out!

Well, I'm not sure what Monkey girl and I will do today.  I'm still pretty pooped.  I'm just over 8 weeks along now, but the morning sickness has hit me a lot more with this baby.  Not so much the throwing up, as much as the constant nauseated feeling, which I think is worse.

Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving Holiday.  I know I've been behind, but I'll post pics of the family a little later.

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Check out this cool site!

I actually found this site out off the The Grocery Cart Challenge blog.  It is totally awesome.  It is a free, book-trading club.  You register and setup an account.  Then you create your bookshelf of books you'd be willing to trade.  Once someone requests a book, you mail it, and you earn credit on your account to get a book of your own!  I love it!  Just click here for the link!  Try it out and let me know what you think.  I just signed up tonight, and I've already had people request 2 books from me, so that's 2 books I get for free!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kotex Freebie!

Click here for a sample of 3 products from Kotex!

Monday, November 10, 2008

And so it begins....

And so it begins... 

I'm 5 1/2 weeks along now.  So far I feel pretty good.  I usually feel queasy in the late-evening (around bedtime), and just really tired during the day (I seem to always be yawning).  Oh, and yes, the frequent bathroom trips.

Tim gets a bunch of kudos today.  He just left with Natty to go to the library to give me some "alone" time to rest up.  So I guess my version of "rest up" is to mess around on my blog (?).

Just this week, I'm started getting stressed about things that need to get done.  Natty's birthday party is Saturday.  I'm trying to not over do it, but I want it to be so special.  I know she won't remember it, but I will!  Definitely not looking forward to going back on track, but that's 2 weeks away.

In other news, we're still praying hard about Tim's job.  We could "really" use it, and we are praying for a miracle.  We'll see what the Lord has in store for us.  I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much if this isn't for us, but I'm excited at the same time.

Well, hope everyone is off to a great Monday!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baby "Incredible!!!!"

Sorry I am a little behind.  It has been SOME weekend!  It all started Friday morning.  I had a dentist appointment at 9 AM because I had been having a toothache.  Turns out I ended up leaving at 12:30, AFTER my root canal.  Didn't feel a thing during the process, but BOY, I sure felt it afterwards. 

After the dentist appointment, Tim and I went to our Hallelujah Festival at our church.  I dressed up Natty has Baby "Incredible."  This was my first attempt at sewing anything beyond buttons.  While I did mess up on the stitch for her logo, it - overall - turned out pretty well!  Here are some pictures from the evening...
Before Hallelujah Night
Natty (doing her "monster" pose) & Mommy at Church
Natty and Cousin James (and Daddy)
"Baby Incredible!!!"

I had class most of Saturday.  My in laws were visiting some friends in the neighborhood, so we invited them over for some pumpkin pie.  We also go to share "this" with them...

"Baby Fanning" will arrive sometime in July.
We are SO excited, and in awe of this miracle God's given us.
If you think about us, please keep our family in your prayers.
So far, I feel great.  I did not get morning sickness until I was about 10 weeks along with Natty.
I have my doctor's appointment, routine bloodwork, and all that fun stuff this week.
Happy Sunday!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Stockpile

We love freebies!
     Many of you have been asking what kinds of products can I get for free or for nearly nothing.  It's a msiconception that freebies and/or rebate items are usually reject items.  A lot of the items I get for free are actual items that we would use on a daily basis.  I stock up, hence "stockpile," so we have what we need whenever we needed, or for someone else that can benefit from our "frugality."  Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My RiteAid Profit

Look at all the goodies I got from RiteAid for free!!!  And I actually make a profit of $0.01.  Hey, it may be a miniscule amount now, BUT a penny saved is a penny earned!  lol

I just love FREE stuff.
Thank You Rite Aid for providing for our family's luxurious lifestyle.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Great Things Come in Small Packages

It has finally arrived, yes, the beloved Walgreens Rebate Giftcard. Great things do come in small packages. There really weren't THAT many great deals this week, not stuff we necessarily needed or really used. HOWEVER, since I got that nifty little gift card, I went coupon shopping at Wags this afternoon. I ended up purchasing:
  • 4 rolls of Bounty
  • 4 bags of Ghiradelli chocolates
  • 2 things of tape
  • Air Wick air freshner kit
  • A birthday card (for sister)
These best thing is that I ended up making $1.01!!! And I get a rebate off the air freshner for this month's rebates at Wags. Life is good! I honestly do not know why this gives me such a thrill. I do like being frugal, being responsible with my family's finances. It is important to us that we have money to give back to the Lord, and money to support our family. I am slowly learning little tricks here and there to help us financial. Here are some big ones I've learned, that have worked for me:
  • Always go in with a list (I list the sales price by each time, and a C if I have a coupon(s) for it.
  • Have into the "Get in, Get out" mentality (Don't go to shop around; even when I do coupon shop, I do my research first. I coupon-shop for specific items).
  • You're just headed for trouble if you go into a store with no list, no preparation.
  • Don't shop when you're hungry.
  • Get ONLY what's on the list (even my husband has to remind me of this one).
  • Don't buy just because it's a "good" deal (I really don't pick up extras unless it is free, or VERY close to free).
  • Don't be ashamed to ask prices and use coupons.
  • Do frequent small trips, as oppose to few LARGE purchases. (I've saved quite a bit making small trips to Wags and CVS, and using the register rewards or CVS Bucks for subsequent purchases).
  • Don't be lazy - look for rebates (then be patient waiting for the mail).
  • I put rebate moneys back into savings until it's needed.
  • Calculate an item's economicality (not sure if I made up that work, but what I mean it, which is cheaper per item - that small bottle of ketcup or the family jumbo size).
  • Bigger is not always better (I used to buy TP at Costco, but there just isn't the space, and honestly, I can get TP and paper towels for pretty cheap hitting sales and coupons).
  • Outside of dairy, bread, produce, there are FEW items I will buy if it's not on-sale AND I have a coupon for it.
  • Self-discipline!
In closing, here's a picture of my little beauty that brought me happiness!

Monday, October 20, 2008

When Satan Attacks

Man, it's no joke that Satan will stop at nothing to ruin the joys the Lord brings us.  So I had mentioned in my earlier blog that Tim has this AWESOME interview tomorrow (hint, hint: please keep praying for him).  Anyhow, well, we certainly were attacked!  I'm driving around in a possessed car that thinks I'm trying to steal it.  I had major work/computer issues. 

Car Story
I'm absolutely cured of EVER washing my car again.  Each time I wash my car, something weird happens.  The last time my windshield cracked from top to bottom.  THIS time I went to start my car, and this weird security light flashed and wouldn't go away.  My car would NOT start.  Apparently, there was a short in the circuit, and the car thought I was trying to steal it, and wouldn't start.  Finally it started, and I made it to work today.

Anything that could go wrong went wrong, as I was trying to type up my IEP, which I HAD to be on the internet for.


Oh well.  Just one of those weeks when you realize how much you need to be depending on the Lord.  :)  Will keep you guys posted on stuff, as well, as Tim's interview TOMORROW!

Oh, BY THE WAY!!!!  Natty has taken her first 2 steps today!!!!  She is such a big girl now!  :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Major Urgent Prayer Request!

My fabulous and wonderful husband has an INTERVIEW with the director of our IT department on Tuesday (10/21) at 3:30!!!!!!!! We are SO excited!!!! We have been praying for the perfect job that the Lord has for Tim for months, years (I think). Please pray that everything will go just as the Lord has planned. Pray for Tim to be calm and confident with his answers, and give him wisdom. Please pray for the director interviewing Tim, that he would be receptive. Please also pray that we would all keep our wits about us because we are sure to anticipate Satan attacking. Thanks guys! Happy Friday!!!

Freebie Samples at Walmart

Happy Friday Everybody!!!
Check out these freebie samples from Walmart here!
In other news, our sweet princess is fully 11 months!!!
We are so proud of her!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's the Weekend Again

Yah!  It's the weekend again.  I really do love my job, even though things have been really crazy this past week.  We go off track in 2 weeks.  I received 3 new students in the span of 2 weeks, therefore, I have 2 weeks to hold 3 interims.  It's stressful, but it'll get done.

Other than that, I spent today (yes, a Saturday) in class.  I've sat in #2 of 4 Saturday seminar classes for my Level II credential.  I have to say, this one was a little bit better than the last.  I at least got answers to questions I had regarding the last seminar's work.  Now, I will hopefully get everything turned in correctly in a couple weeks.

Natty has been growing like a weed.  She will turn 1 in just over a month.  I am amazed at the extent of her understanding and vocabulary.  This is just a list of some of the words/things she understands:

  • She will clap her hands when asked (don't even need to show her any more).
  • Kitty
  • Papa
  • "Nam" - Thai for "water"
  • Noodle
  • Uh-oh
  • Mom, Dad, Da Da, Ma Ma
  • Ni-ni (Night Night)
  • Hi
  • She gives kisses (to me the most :) )
  • She hugs (a lot) - she's such a cuddle bug.
  • She stares "intently" at things and points to inviduals in pictures.
  • She knows voices (mostly mom and dad).
  • She recognizes people in photographs.
Needless to say, I believe we have quite a smart cookie on our hands.  I have never really been one to believe in "GATE" students.  Gifted, mayber, Gate, not so much.  But that's a debate for another time.  All I know is that we have one very smart and special girl on our hands.  I know we intend to foster whatever is that stimulates her brain.  We love her very much and cannot wait to see how she continues to grow.

Another exciting thing about having another weekend is that i am now 2 weeks away from going off track.  I am so glad that our school is still following the year round schedule.  I really covet time I have with Natty.  I rush home each day to be with Tim and her.  It's hard that most of the time I come home to say good bye to Tim, as he leaves for work.  For Natty's sake though, we do it knowing it'll be best for her.

Well, I hope everyone else is doing great.  Will be posting on my weekend deal finds later on.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Why I Like CVS

So lately, I have joined the CVSing, WAGing, and Riteaiding worlds of frugal spending.

Of those three, I enjoy CVS the most.  That is mostly because I can usually get the most freebies and save the most there.  I've tried to put a $5 limit each time I go.  I'll go about once a week to snag the weekly deals.  I usually do pretty good.

I was really excited that the Always freebie that I found is free at CVS.  There was actually a sign up for a limit of 1 rebate per household, but when I rung it up (I already had coupon for $4.98, so I figure I'd get another free box even if I don't get the coupon), it popped out another coupon!  So I've gotten 2 free boxes of Always so far.

For my trip this morning, I also got a thing of Lady Speedstick, 2 bottles of propel gatorade, and 2 bottles of ice tea.  Got ECB (Extra Care Bucks) back, and spent $4.  I actually got almost $9 back in ECB's, so I actually made $5!  Woo Hoo!

People ask me if it's confusing keeping track of all the deals.  Not really.  Usually I will browse through all the Sunday ad's at my inlaws and make my shopping list for CVS, Walgreens, and Riteaid.  I'll take out the coupons I need for each store, and put everything together.  That way when I go, everything is set.  I don't "shop around."  I got in with my list, and I come out with just what I needed.

I guess so might say it's a hassel.  With the way the economy is though, I take it as being more responsible with my family's finances.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray for our little Princess Nattaya.  She is sick, well, has been, with a cold and cough for the past couple days.  Overall, her spirits are really high.  I just feel bad that there is nothing much we can do to speed the process of her getting better.  She has been such a great trooper.  My husband and I would GREATLY covet your prayers. 

It was so incredibly hard to leave for work today.  I usually try to leave work before Natty wakes up.  Today, of course, she's awake.  On top of that, she is sick.  I know I shouldn't feel guilty, but I couldn't help feeling it all the way driving to work.  3 PM can't come soon enough today.

Here's a picture of our princess...

We love her so very much!
We can't wait for her to turn 1 in less than 2 months!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My New Shopping Companion

Those of you who know me well, know I'm always out for a good deal. Now, in attempts at finding the best deals, I've done everything from clipping coupons, scour Sunday ads, begged other people's coupons (no I'm not ashamed - desperate to stretch pennies perhaps), etc. I've tried many different ways of organizing my coupons - because I end up with tons each week, and yes, I do use tons. When I get groceries, I will save AT LEAST 65% of my grocery bill. I DO NOT pay for shampoo, toothpaste, shower gel, or toothbrushes anymore - this is simply because I can almost always get them for free, and when I can I stock up.

Well, with that background, I've gone from envelop sorting, to a little pocket file, to a little recipe was just too difficult to weed through my coupons though. So in an attempt to save more time (and essentially money), I created my own version of a basic coupon organizing album. It's really simple. You take take a plain photo album. Figure out what categories you shop for. Label each tab with its corresponding category. I'd leave quite a few spaces if it's a category that usually purchase often, or have a lot of coupons for. For me, it's air freshner, cleaning products, lunch meat, paper products, and beauty products.

Below are some pictures of my "coupon" album. I acutally find this less awkward than my original blackbox. Surprisingly, I've received less stares.

Always Infinity Freebie

Guess what!  I found this freebie ALL on my own!  Those of you who know me well know that I am always researching for deals and freebies online.  Usually I don't get to take credit for finding a deal, BUT I found this one on Walgreens, where I frequent on a weekly basis to scout out the freebie or nearly freebie deals.  So, to enjoy your free sample of Always Infinity, click here.  Enjoy!  And THANK YOU Walgreens!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Steal a Cookie!

Hey guys!  Found a really cool deal.  If you like chocolate, and by chocolate I mean DARK chocolate, you need to click here, and steal your TLC Chocolate cookie right now!  Enjoy!  Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Job Security and Bible Study

Well, I've still been really struggling with the whole stay home vs. work drama. I am really thankful though. As of yesterday, I received a notice that I am officially tenured. Yes! I cannot get fired! I'll just have to quit myself! Just kidding! With the way our economy is and the way it seems to be headed, it is nice and reassuring to know that I have some sort of job security. It's comforting to know that God continues to provide for us, desprite my complaints. It is also humbling, once I start thinking about it more because I always come to the realization that I am serving my family.

I didn't understand this at first. I had served as a discussion leader for our Women's Bible Study Fellowship at Harvest for 2 years. Part way though the 2nd year was when I found out we were expecting Natty. Needless to say, it wasn't even an option to not stay home with her. I stepped down and left the spot for the Lord to call someone else. While I kinda-sorta miss it, I don't regret my decision. All the other leaders keep encouraging me too, saying, "Your family is your #1 ministry now." I really didn't understand things because I never really viewed family as a 'ministry.' It is so incredibly true though.

In my opinion, it is the MOST important ministry. We are human and we make mistakes, but my family is an area I have tried my hardest to not mess up. I don't want to mess up being a wife to Tim or mother to Natty. If I mess up with my family, I feel like I really don't have anything to show for.

Women's Bible Study started this past Thursday. In a way, I felt a little twinge, missing being up with all the other leaders. I chose to participate in a group and not lead this year. I missed being on the leader's end, being all excited about women in the group I'd meet. BUT, I discovered once I was there that I WAS excited. I was in a new group, and I AM excited about what the Lord is going to show me this year. I know it's going to be lots.

If any of you have the time, I HIGHLY recommend going to Harvest, and following the study. All lessons are archived. You will be truly blessed!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Inconsolable Longing

Got this quote of C.S. Lewis off of my Pastor's blog a few minutes ago.  All I can say is WOW and how true.....

C.S. Lewis called it “the inconsolable longing,” writing:

“There have been times when I think we do not desire heaven, but more often I find myself wondering whether in our heart of hearts, we have ever desired anything else. . . . It is the secret signature of each soul, the incommunicable and unappeasable want, the thing we desired before we met our wives or made our friends or chose our work, and which we shall still desire on our deathbeds when the mind no longer knows wife or friend or work.”

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


If you need school supplies, you need to head over to Target...NOW!  I just got back with a BUNCH of supplies for my class.  I got lined paper (0.12 each), rulers (0.06 each), 2/pack scissors (0.38 each), 3/pack glue sticks (0.38 each), clip board (0.74 each), and of course a shirt on clearance - work shirt of course - for me ($4.50).  Target totally rocks!  So rush on over to get your school supplies as well!  Oh, and I also got a 4/pack box of Kleenex for like $1.50.  Totally awesome deals!

My 2nd Anniversary

So yeah!  Today is my 2nd anniversary.  I must say I have the most fabulous husband - yeah, so I'm biased, so what!  I sure think he's pretty special.  He's the most incredible husband, and the most loving father I've ever seen.  He is so great with Natty.  So my husband gets bunches of kudos for being the most awesome husband EVER!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Babys R Us Coupon

Here's a coupon for $20 off a Graco Quattro Tour Travel System - Catalina!

Babys R Us Coupon Here


Free Glade @ Vons

Alright guys (gals), hurry to Vons! Right now, Glade aerosols are on sale for $1 each. If you hav ea $1 off coupon from Sunday ad or magazine, it's free! Also, baking mixes are on sale. I bought quite a few for under $1 (w/ coupon).

I just got back from picking up some milk and other "stuff." I used a coupon on EVERYTHING, except the milk. I saved 65% of my bill! It all originally rung up to $40+, and with coupons and Vons member discounts, I came out spending $14.16. Not bad!

Coupons Totally Blow My Mind!!!

I made a pretty neat discovery a couple days ago. So we all know there are store coupons and manufacterer's coupons (in Sunday paper). Well, I have discovered (since I'm new to the couponing thing), that "most" stores take manufacterer's coupons ON TOP of their store coupons. I was totally stoked. Yesterday I went to Target during my lunch break. I got Natty a box of wipes and a thing of head & body wash - both Huggies brand, because I love them. The totally was actually UNDER $2. I was totally excited. AND since I had the $5 giftcard from purchasing diapers from them last week, I actually spend NOTHING, and still have a little over $3 on the giftcard. Woo Hoo for coupons and Target!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So I was pretty bummed out yesterday about how my day/week had started. I was super encouraged by our Pastor's devotion this morning though. My husband and I attend Harvest Christian Fellowship, and while it's a super big church, and sometimes I feel lost, but I feel really spoiled at the gift inviduals God has put there, and the awesome Bible studies start up. Anyway, I am signed up to receive Pastor Greg's devotions everyday. I try to read them in the morning, but usually I spend some alone time during my lunch break at work. I really enjoyed this morning's devotion, and was really enouraged by it. It was on God's Will, not ours. Sometimes I don't ask for things I desire because I feel like I'm not really that worthy to be asking God for stuff, but I know now that it's ok to ask God for stuff. I think He would be more upset that I don't bring my requests to Him. He's my Father in Heaven, in whom I've chosen to put my trust in and I need to show Him that I do.

Here's the devotion below. Hope you are blessed as well.

There are some people who teach that we should never pray, "Not my will, but Yours be done," because it supposedly voids what you have just prayed for.

What nonsense. If Jesus prayed this, certainly we should follow His example.

He gave us the same pattern in the Lord's Prayer when He said, "May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). I never need to be afraid to say, "Lord, Your will be done."

Then there are those who say that we should only pray for something once; otherwise, we are demonstrating a lack of faith.

Yet Jesus taught His disciples, "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9). We give up far too easily sometimes.

We won't always know the will of God in every situation. Then there are times when we will know the will of God, but we won't like it. Finally, there are times when we will know the will of God, but we don't understand it.

I like what the late D. L. Moody said, "Spread out your petition before God, and then say, 'Thy will, not mine, be done.' " Moody concluded, "The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me."

Have you found that to be true? We must never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I suppose that kinda sums up how my week is starting out.  I hate money, and worrying about it.  It hate when it looks like we won't have enough, and know that everything is out of my control.  I am shamed to even say I hate knowing that there is nothing I can do anymore, but trust that God's going to give us what we need.  I guess deep down, I blame myself, or somehow I feel inadequate for not always making ends meet.  This is the vicious cycle I put myself through once every other week.  Why don't you just let go and trust the Lord you ask?  That's what I'm trying to figure out.  I honestly do try, and try, and try again.  I'm not perfect, so it doesn't happen most of the time.  I am trying though.  I have learned that even though many times we don't know how we'll pay all our bills, the Lord provides exactly what we need.  I have learned that even though it doesn't seem feasible to even, ever, possibly own a home of our own, God will find one that's exactly what we need.

How am I doing though?  I'm struggling, and I'm struggling because I'm tired.  I'm tired because I worry.  I worry because I'm stubborn.  Deep down I know the week will get better.  I just wish I could somehow, miraculously, get rid of all my imperfections.  But that's not my place or job is it?  It's God's. 

It's pretty quite here right now.  Natty's asleep and Tim's at work.  I take times like these to think about where I am with the Lord, what/how I need to improve, how I can be a better wife and mother, how to be a better teacher, how I can better surrender and obey....Now that I've exhausted myself, I find God's "small voice" tell me, "Just be still..."  This has become my new favorite verse - Exodus 14:14 -->  "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still."  As I've said in my earlier blogs, I started reading through the Bible on Facebook in a year.  I'm about 11% done.  It's a commitment, but I'm determined to stick to it.  Anyway, I am in Exodus, almost finish now, and that verse has rung so through in my heart and soul the past couple weeks.

Growing up, I've always been pretty independent.  I wasn't clingy, but I loved attention.  I liked having people around.  It made me feel safe and protected.  I hated being alone.  I always felt pretty lonely until college.  I recommitted my life back to Christ my Freshman year, took life more seriously, and took school more seriously.  I had a rough time in high school. I always felt I need protection and didn't get it.  I was always looking for someone to protect me, to advocate for me.  Now that I'm older, I'm married, I have a daughter, I'm quickly discovering how much of an advocate I am for my husband and my family.  Just these past couple years, I'm starting to see how I can trust God to be my advocate.  He fights for ME, and, seriously, God's so mighty I just need to get out of the way and stand back!

Well, that's my week that is slowly turning around.

In other news, Women's Bible Study starts on Sept. 18th and I'm SO excited!  I'm doing the inductive study again, and I LOVE it!  If any of you are interested in the inductive method to Bible study, I'll help you out.  I have gotten so much out of it.  Anyways, I'm waiting in GREAT anticipation for my leader to call.  This is the week - week and a half - I look forward to most (besides koinania) because I have no clue who my leader is.  When I finally get the call, we are both so excited; you can sense the excitement. 

Hope everyone's week is start out ok and getting better!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Target Paid Me to Shop There! was a FANTASTIC day to find a deal. If you notice the picture below, I actually MADE $0.50 from Target! What a steal! I'm slowly learning how to stretch our dollar just a little bit more, and maybe even make some! Oh, and tomorrow, we're getting two boxes of Huggies at Target for 25 after coupons, $5 giftcard you get for buying huggies, and 2 $5 giftcards I earned today for purchasing Kellogg's products at Target. Woo Hoo!

Needless to say, I love Target...oh, yes, and coupon-bargain shopping!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Frugal MaMa Giveaway

Check it out at:

Birthday Giveaway September 3, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — kwyman @ 10:55 pm

September 4th is my birthday, September 7th marks the first full month of One Frugal Mama and to support my first school fundraiser, let’s give something away!!! FREE

The first One Frugal Mama Giveaway will be a one year subscription to All You Magazine. Value of this freebie is unknown because no one knows just how many awesome coupons will be in 12 issues. By winning this you will also support my daughter’s school because I will buy the subscription via Reader’s Digest QSP fundraiser.

To enter this giveaway leave a comment on how you reduce, reuse, and recycle OR post a link to this giveaway on your blog. Just make sure to come back and leave a comment telling me you did so. Make sure to include your e-mail. Deadline will be on Tuesday, September 9th.


So, I finally decided to join the "Walgreens Game." I have been a shopaholic, coupon-enthusiastist, bargain scourer, and best-deal hunter for a little over 5 years now. I have my mom to thank for this. She religiously clips coupons and maintains a "coupon box" decked out with envelopes and tabs for different categories of coupons. I like to gloat though, because I still usually save more than she does. Granted, she shops for a family of 3, sometimes 4 (with 1 growing teen and a young adult with a never-filling stomach), I still save a high percentage. Anyhow, I have her to thank for my frugality.

All this had led me to continuously find ways to better save and support my husband and daughter. We have been so incredibly blesses by such an awesome God and Creator. It is my desire to find ways to be better stewards with what we have. We never have money for a lot, but we seem to always have just enough for what we need, and some!

Well, Walgreens does this FANTASTIC rebate program. There are numerous items you can get for free or close to free each month. You take your receipt, enter it online, and wait for your rebate. If you choose to file your rebate on a giftcard, you get an extra 10% back. So what I'm going to try is use that giftcard for the next month's necessities. From this month's finds, I've already "rebated" enough for a box of Natty's diapers! How cool is that! Super cool though is that Walgreens takes their store coupons in their ads along with the MFC coupons in the Sunday newspaper! Talk about S-A-V-I-N-G-S!!!!!

So, I'll update on how my Walgreens Adventure will be going. =) Later!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Isn't this WILD?!?

I've been reading in Exodus. Facebook has this nifty application where you can choose how to read through the Bible in a year. I've chosen to read it chronologically. It's been a very neat experience. Anyhow, I'm towards the end of Exodus, where Moses receives instructions for the buidling of the Tabernacle of the Covenant. Honestly, I cannot even begin to imagine how majestic it much have appeared.

Did you know....
  • They used 2193 pounds of gold = $17,697,510 today
  • They used 7545 pounds of silver = $1,569,360 today
  • They used 5310 pounds of bronze = $7,699.50 today
I just think that is totally incredible. Now I did the math myself with some comparison charts online, so this is not 100% accurate, but I just think this is wild.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank You Jesus

Sad to say, but I just do not consciously do this enough. Tim, Natty, and I all live a pretty good life, but I take for granted the way we are provided for and the nice things we have. So for now...

Jesus, I thank you...
  • that we have a strong, and healthy daughter (who hasn't gotten sick once).
  • I have a good job.
  • we have a nice apartment to live it.
  • Natty is always taken care of.
  • we have all we need to live, comfortably.
  • for a wonderful, love, and caring husband.
  • we are surrounded by people that love us.
  • for teaching us to be better stewards.
  • for always showing us compassion and forgiveness, when we mess up.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sippy Success

So Natty has been on this bottle strike thing for about a month. In the course of this month, I've tried "RELENTLESSLY" to find some kind of cup she will drink out of. From about 5:30 to 4ish, she does not get any milk and I was concerned. Her doc says she's doing great though, so I felt a little bit better. But still! Anyhow, I learned about these straw sippy cups from my husband's cousin. Took Natty about a week, but she LOVES them. Haven't tried it with milk yet, but she'll take just about anything else in them. I absolutely love them and high recommend them to any other mom. =)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Silent Treatment

I love my husband to pieces, but this is TOO funny!!!!

The Silent Treatment.
A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight.

Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, 'Please wake me at 5:00 AM.' He left it where he knew she would find it. The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, 'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.'

Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests. God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

9 Months as a "Ma-Ma"


Natty has been out with us for a little over 9 months now. She amazes me. Every little thing about her - from her 6 tiny teeth to facial expressions, the way she looks at me when I get home to how she sleeps peacefully at night - it all amazes me. I am in awe how the Lord has formed her, breathe life into her, and continues to work on and in her. The thing that has been on my heart lately is to not take a single moment for granted. I still struggle with having to work and not be home. It's the role I've been given for this place in time. I am doing - trying to - the best I can to fulfill it. Some days are better than others. I struggle with being content, not having regrets or resentment.

Today I was really tired, and I felt a twinge of guilt for being glad she was asleep early. It's hard. I'm still a nut about running in to check and see if she's breathing and her heart's beating. Almost every morning, I will put my ear lightly on her chest and just listen. The little drumming gives me joy beyond anything, and it's a joy that is just not worthy of putting into words.

Sometimes I just want to keep her as my little "baby." Then I am hubly reminded that she is not "mind," and everyday the Lord is molding her into whom He desires her to be - I pray everyday (try to remember to) that she already is developing a thrist and love for Jesus. Natty is growing so fast. She has learned to do SO much and in little time. Being pregnant with her seems like eons ago.

Natty says "Ma Ma," "Da Da" (just started a week ago), and "Up" every now and then. She tries to say Hi, or mimick me at least, but it just comes out and "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" She has super strong legs that she is standing up on, and trying to stand on her own (currently her record is 3 secs). She loves puppies, pasta, and fruit. She gives "love pats" when you pick her up on your back. Tim and I absolutely love her and adore every minute we have with her. She has taught me SO much about Jesus, life, love, commitment, myself, Tim, and just how to be joyful.

In other news, I'm counting down the days until I go off track! Last week of October!!! I have so much to get ready for - - Natty's First Birthday!!!!!! We've already gotten her invitations, and I'm SOSOSOSOSOSOSO excited! =P

Monday, August 4, 2008

The First Day of School

Ugh, I always dread the "first day" of the new school year. I also dread the day we come back on track. Part of the reason I get so worked up about it is that the day is just filled with chaos. Kids are lost and stressed, so I become lost (in my own little world) and stressed. The first day of school almost means a new batch of kids, which terrifies me to pieces, but it really shouldn't, but it always does. In some weird way, I always feel like I need to prove myself to everyone, and I really need to stop feeling that way. Not only is it not healthy, but it's not Christ-like. I truly believe (in my heart of hearts) that Christ has equipped me for this task, until it's over. I seriously need oober prayers for more faith though. I do not believe that Christ would place me in the position He has and given me all the experiences from last year, without equipping me to glorify Him. I just need to trust Him more and have faith.

I'm sure tomorrow will go well, and pass by before I know it, and I'll be excited to be home with Tim and Natty. I just need to stop working myself up.

In other news, Natty is full out crawling - she still does her "commando-style" crawling, but does the crawling on her knees as well. She is also standing up and trying to walk. We are so proud of her, and are amazed every single day. Oh, and she has SIX teeth!!!! She'll be turning 9 months in just a week and a half. We are SO blessed.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Exodus 14:13 But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. 14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

Welcome back. I haven't blogged in over 2 weeks, so I felt the need for an update. I'm going through the Bible in a Year, and my reading this morning was Exodus 13-15. There were a couple verses in Exodus 14 though, that really touched my heart.

Lately Tim and I have really felt like the Devil has been attacking us. We have determined and committed ourselves to paying off bills, and putting money into savings for a house and for Natty. It is funny though that each time we seem to have made any extra money, some crazy, 'out of the blue' expense will come up to deplete us. It's weird how things have gone. I was looking forward to my time off this month, as I have been struggling with working and not being home with Natty. First, we got all these crazy doctor bills for Natty and her vomit issue, which we were so worried about. God has been so faithful to take care of Natty though, and so far, she has not had any more episodes. So that put a slight dent in our budget. Then our electric bill skyrocketed, since we were trying to keep Natty cooler to help with the throwing up. Ok.... Then Tim's paycheck didn't arrive last week. Yikes... Then, the ONE time I decide to give Tim a break and wash my car myself, I crack the windshield, you heard me, from top all the way down. Needless to say, I was really bummed about everything. Then Tim reminded me this morning. It's a test to see how we'll respond. I felt really convicted then because, truthfully, I was not proud at the way I had responded.

Going back to the above verses, I was reminded once again to slow down and be "still." I hate how my humanity allows me to forget what God is capable of. Well, DUH!, all I've got is the Creator of the Universe looking out for me. Why do I always fret? I was reminded this afternoon that I need to calm down and let the Lord work. He isn't going to neglect to take care of us. We are His children after all, and I need to start acting like that is what I truly believe. So that is my goal, faith.

Hope everyone else is having a good Monday. By the way, our garden is doing GREAT! Especially the basil. Will post pictures in a bit.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Natty and Mommy's Garden

I've discovered that I have a pretty good "green" thumb. In efforts to keep myself occupied (like taking care of Natty is not enough), I've decided that Natty and I would start a garden. It all started in the world of Target. Tim laughs at me, but I always have to check and see what's on sale, what's on clearance, and what I can get a great deal on. Of all places, I love checking out the $1 section at the front of the store (when you first walk in). I've gotten some really cute stuff for our apartment for, honestly, beans. Anyway, I was SO excited when I discovered that the $1 stuff was on clearance! You cannot beat $1 clearance items at 75% off! So after rummaging through stuff, I found these little garden-herb sets. They were SO cute. I really wish I would have picked up more. But the set came with its little own clay pot, some compacted dirt, and seed packet. I picked up 3 different herbs - basil, oregano, and chives. I've really had SO much fun. Below are pictures of the progress of Natty and Mommy's Garden.

I'm really excited about the basil, and so is Tim. One of Tim's favorite Thai entrees is "Basil Chicken." It is extremely yummy, and if you like your food on the spicy side, it is muy bueno! In the above picture, yo
u see oregano, chives, and the basil. I got super excited with how well the herbs were doing so I started green bell peppers (far left) and Thai chilies (far right) in the picture below.

If everything continues to go well, I'm going to start some floral seedlings. I'm excited with my new hobby. I marvel at anything having to do with new life - Natty, planting, babies, etc. It is just a constant reminder of what an awesome Creator we serve and love.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Moo Satay and Kai Jeaow

I've been in the cooking mood lately, and Thai food specifically. I feel bad because, generally, while I'm working, I am just too exhausted to really put anything remotely extravagant together. Both Tim and I love to cook, but I feel like it should be my responsibility and I haven't been that good at it. So, now that I'm off track, I'm determined to cook at least 2-3 nice dinners a week. Here are a few pictures of our "typical" Thai dinner that I make.

It really did not take all that long. I actually have a rice-cooker (SO nice), so all I do is rinse the rice, throw it into the pot and it cooks. Everything turned out pretty nice, and Natty even helped! Not really, but she likes to hang out in the kitchen with me while I cook. I can set her in the living room with all her toys. Three minutes later, she's crawling into the kitchen with the biggest grin. I love her....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Asian Cheese

Well, I don't know about you, but I REALLY love TOFU. I have found though that many people I run into absolutely hate it and I don't always understand why. It really has no flavor, which is great because it acquires the taste of whatever you cook with so you can actually get pretty creative with it. I guess I am partically biased because growing up in Thailand, that is like the equivalent of Cheese to Americans. I guess tofu is, then, the "Asian-cheese?"

If you are thinking about trying tofu, here are some great health benefits:
  • High is protein
  • Low in saturated fats
  • Good source of calcium
  • Good substitute for meat (Vitamin E and protein)
  • Easy to digest
Anyhow, here is a recipie that I enjoy making for tofu:

  • 1 tube of medium-soft tofu (sliced)
  • 3 tablespoons of oyster sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
  • 3 cups of beansprouts
  • 1/3 cups of diced green onions and onions (each)
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cups of diced bell peppers
  • 2 1/2 cups of oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 2-3 cups of cornstarch
  • cilantro (optional - for garnish)

Frying Tofu
  1. Heat 2 1/2 cups of oil (takes 3-4 mins).
  2. Coat sliced tofu with cornstarch and drop in oil.
  3. Place fried tofu pieces on a wire rack to cool.
Frying Tofu with Veggies
  1. Heat sesame oil in a skillet (medium heat)
  2. Cook bell peppers and onions
  3. Add tofu, oyster sauce, and fish sauce
  4. Mix so everything cooks evenly
  5. Add beansprouts and green onions
  6. Cook for about 7 minutes
This makes a great entree to have with rice or noodles. It'll serve 2-3 people. Garnish with cilantro. YUMMY!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lazy Days

Ladies and gentleman, I am on Week #2 of vacation. Woo Hoo!!!! I have REALLY enjoyed spending time with Tim and Natty. It is so hard to go to work sometimes (especially that last month and/or week). I wish the economy would get better sometimes so we could just live off of Tim's income. I'd really like to be home with Natty and actually make our apartment a home. But it's not God's plan right now. Anyhow, I'm thankful that we are the last intermediate school that is "year-round." What that means is I work 3 months and get a month off. I really like it. At the end of the 3 months, I'm really ready to have a break, and am terribly missing Tim and Natty.

Since I've been home, I'm determined that our apartment will be organized and back to normal. Probably will happen like the last week I'm off, but anyhow, I am making progress. I'm actually possibly going to get selling some junk at 2 garage sales to make some money towards a down payment on a house.

Yes, we are still house hunting. Something cool kinda happened though. We had met with a realtor last week, wasn't too impressed. I think she was more focused on selling the "big" houses that would bring in more commission than what we were looking for. Being discourages, we started thinking may now wasn't the time. We went to a BBQ with our married couples Bible study group. Anyhow, during our prayer request, one of the couples asked our host (who was in Tim's Mens Bible study group) how the job hunt was going. He said he started a new job a while back in REALTY! Omigosh! Tim nearly flew off his seat. He said this definitely had to be the Lord. Who else would be able to point us to a realtor who is a Christian and actually would have our best interest at heart. We were thrilled!!!!!!! So we've been keeping our house hunt in prayer.

Natty has been doing better with her bouts of vomitting. Nothing since the day before we took her into her pediatrician last week. She does have an Upper G.I. scheduled for the 14th. Not a major procedure, she swallows some dye and will have an x-ray to see if her organs developed normally. Sounds scary, but surprisingly, I've been at peace about it this week. It is so hard to not worry constantly about Natty, our finances, jobs, and what not. I am slowly learning (through my Mentoring Group), but learning, that worrying never really helps anything, anyone, or any situation.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Week 1

I've been enjoying my first week off. So far, I've accomplished 3 things on my to do list.

Catch up on laundry and dishes
Turn in credential to the D.O.
Meet with Century 21 and start house hunting

Other than that Tim and I have enjoyed being able to spend time with each other, for once, without having to meet and greet and be out the door, and of course, spending time with our wonderful daughter, who is nearly 8 months old now.

Recently, she's been having trouble with bouts of vomitting, so on July 14th, she will have to have an Upper GI done. As far as I've been able to understand, it isn't a painful procedure. It'll allow the doctor to see if her internal organs (specifically the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine) have developed properly. Other than that, Natty is as happy as can be. She is truly a bless to us. We often wonder what we could have done to deserve such a wonderful daughter, but then I realize, of course! We did nothing! God choose to entrust her to us as this miraculous, wonderful gift. I am thankful every morning, when I see her little head pop up through the railsof her crib. I am thankful for the life that's in her, for her beating heart, and for each breath she takes. I'm thankful for her 3 teeth. I'm thankful for her beautiful voice that says "Ma-Ma." I'm thankful for her perfect ten fingers and toes, and how she waves to us.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Off Track!

YES!!! FREEDOM!!!!!!

That's right, I am officially "off-track!"

I've been thinking a lot about what to do while I'm off track. The past couple times I've been off track, I haven't gotten much done between graduating and Natty being born. With a productive mindset in place, I've made a list of things I'd like to get done during July.

  1. Have a garage sale and get rid of junk! (and make $$$ while doing it!)
  2. Finish baby proofing the apartment.
  3. Go through our storage and get rid of stuff we don't need.
  4. Organize the apartment more.
  5. Catch up on laundry and dishes.
  6. Send stuff in for APLE Grant.
  7. Turn in credential to the D.O.
  8. Meet with Century 21 and start house hunting.
  9. And, of course, bond more with Natty!
  10. Possibly squeeze in a couple date nights with Tim too! :)