It has been an exciting, but rough week! On Friday evening, another niece was born AND we found out we are having another GIRL!!! We are so thrilled, especially Tim, who is just over the moon! We're still trying to agree on names. :)
I had my Doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon that did not go at all as planned. I have to redo the ultrasound because they could not see the baby's stomach. Now, this could be due to the baby's position or something blocking the view. Kinda freaked me out, but will pray and wait. My second ultrasound is in 3 weeks. The next think I found out was that I quite possibly have a kidney stone. When I gave my urine sample at the Dr.'s office, it was pretty much pink. Totally freaked me out. The doctor said there is A LOT of blood in my urine. I'm supposed to call if there is a lot of pain so they can do a stone treatment - which I am thankful I am not in! I've been ordered to drink A LOT of water to help dilute things. The doctors really don't want to do much if possibly since I'm pregnant. CAT scan is a NO because of radiation, and ultrasounds are not the most reliable to detect the stone. SO we pray and wait...
Work has gone from crazy to INSANE.
Please pray I will stay calm and not let the cares of this world make me unstable. Pray for a GOOD ultrasound of Baby Princess in a few weeks. Pray also with this issue with the kidney stone.
I am praying for you! Please let me know if I can do anythign.
We're prayiing for you. Sending you a big hug.
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