You were a surprise to our family. Your sister would be turning one in about a month, and I was attending one of my last classes. The day before I found out I was pregnant with you, I had a root canal! All I can say is that the Lord choose the perfect to bless me with you. It was so fun trying to tell your dad about you. We went out and celebrated with some Thai food. The first person we told (or I told) was Natty. Then we told your Grandpa and Grandma. Then we tried to tell your Papa and Nana, but they weren't home, so we told your Aunt Mollie and Uncle Jon. Everyone was excited to meet you.
A couple days before you were born, Dr. King decided we needed to induce because I was nearly 2 weeks overdue! Boy, you sure taught your Mommy patience. I was so nervous and scared that you were not coming on your own. I remember staying up late talking to your Daddy, and upset praying we made the right decision. I prayed I would go into labor on my own and we wouldn't have to force you to come out. Mommy was getting very big, and we weren't sure how big you were going to be. It was a quiet and relaxed morning - no contractions at all. However, lo and Behold, we arrived at the hospital to discover Mommy was indeed in labor. You were still taking your sweet time though, and needed a little motivation to come meet everyone.
Nathan, you have brought so much joy to me this past year. I love how you and your sister play. I pray you guys keep growing close to each other and take care of each other. I cherish every moment I get with you. I am honored to be your mother, and know I have done absolutely nothing to derserve your unconditional love. I love that you want me to cuddle you and sometimes (a lot of times) it has to be just me. I love that you crawl up to me as fast as you can and try to tackle me with hugs. I love your slimy kisses, and how you like to blow on my shoulders. My prayer is that by some miracle, God will teach me each day how to become to Mommy you truly deserve.
Today is your birthday, and I want you to know I love you with all my heart and pray God will equip your father and me to teach you how to become the godly man He desires you to be. Even though you are only one, I hope you know how much we love you and how much we just absolutely love having you in our lives.
We love you Nathan!!!!
Daddy - Mommy - Natty