The journey of our family into "parenthood" and ramblings of our daily lives.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I cannot believe I did not include any updates on Nathan! Ugh! Bad Mommy!, here is a blog totally dedicated to Nathan and what he's been up to. Nathan turned 9 months on the 18th of April. I cannot get over how fast he's growing.He is pretty much in 18 mts. clothes sizes. I can't get over that either. Natty was always in the very next size category. Nathan seems to be growing at lightening speed. Our little man has 8 pearly whites - 4 top and 4 bottom. He has the MOST handsome smile. He absolutely LOVES table foods. He gets very jealous of what we're eating and always wants in on the action. His recent favorites are cheerios, watermelon, noodles, rice, and chicken (from Chick fil A of course!). And of course we've got our little noodles and rice King going - that's that Asian blood coming out! :) He loves watching Baby Einstein and Veggietales with his sister. He is also climbing on anything, and everything. No walking yet, or standing on his own. It know it's coming up though. Here are some pictures of our little prince. Enjoy guys!
No kidding Nicole! Natty is in 3T stuff now too, so once I think one kid is slowing down the other picks up! Gives me an excuse to shop. =P But it's crazy!!! :)
Aww, cute pics! Wow 18 month clothes~ you must feel like you are constantly buying new clothes for him (and that feeling would be right on!)
No kidding Nicole! Natty is in 3T stuff now too, so once I think one kid is slowing down the other picks up! Gives me an excuse to shop. =P But it's crazy!!! :)
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