This is a really encouraging song for me from Point of Grace. I listen to it going to work frequently in the morning. The lyrics definitely changes my point of view. No matter your situation, I pray that you would, as I am trying to, remember that for the believer, the Lord's on your side. He sees all things in their entirety. What I see as a struggle or hardship is but a moment, a segment, is time, and whatever that hardship is will last just momentarily. Happy Thursday!
On days of gray
When doubt clouds my view
It's so hard to see past my fears
My strength seems to fade
And it's all I can do
To hold on, 'til the light reappears
Still, I believe though some rain's bound to fall
That you're here next to me
And you're over it all
Lord, the sky's still blue
For my hope is in you
You're my joy
You're the dream that's still alive
Like the wind at my back
And the sun on my face
You are life
You're grace
You are blue skies
You're my blue skies
When nights are long
Seems the dark has no end
Still we walk on in light of the truth
For waiting beyond
Where the morning begins
Is the dawn, and you're mercy anew
Oh, to believe we're alive in you're love
There is so much to see
If we keep looking up
(Repeat Chorus)
You fill the heavens with hope and a higher love
A picture, a promise for life
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Finding Time with the Lord
I received a card from my women's group leader Thursday night that really convicted me. At a koinania a while back, we had shared how we were keeping ourselves fed with God's Word. I don't remember my exact response, but I had shared that with working full-time, a husband and 2 children to take care of, and a household to look after, it's hard to have a set specific time. So, what I had shared was that I try to always make sure I have God's Word readily available wherever I am. Tim and I have an assorted collection of Bibles, so I try to make sure there is always something, somewhere. In my purse/bag, in the living room, in the bedroom, in my car, etc - so that when I do find I have "down" time, there is always something there waiting for me to be fed from. However, the reality is that I am a hoarder of "down" time. When the kids go down, I want to "relax." Or I discover, the dishes haven't been done and the laundry needs to be put away. OH, and here's the new one - WE NEED TO PACK! I do not like to confess that I have other things I allow to compete for the time I should and need to be spending with the Lord. With that out in the open, here is little bit of what my leader wrote in my card that has really exhorted me to "get back in the game," so to speak...
"...your example of studying God's Word in the mist of all that has really challenged me to use the time I have to the fullest. You shared at one of our koinanias about having God's Word or devotionals easily accessible around your home which I now have done and it has been a real encouragement to me. Wherever I sit His Word is waiting!...."
Who would have known that something I shared at our koinania would touch my leader is such a special way? I really do not view myself as anything great, not a scholar, not anyone important. I jsut feel I am a child of God, struggling along the way on this road called life. It was amazing to knwo that God used something I shared and struggled with to encourage someone else that I had been looking to as an example on how to follow and obey God's Word.
"...your example of studying God's Word in the mist of all that has really challenged me to use the time I have to the fullest. You shared at one of our koinanias about having God's Word or devotionals easily accessible around your home which I now have done and it has been a real encouragement to me. Wherever I sit His Word is waiting!...."
Who would have known that something I shared at our koinania would touch my leader is such a special way? I really do not view myself as anything great, not a scholar, not anyone important. I jsut feel I am a child of God, struggling along the way on this road called life. It was amazing to knwo that God used something I shared and struggled with to encourage someone else that I had been looking to as an example on how to follow and obey God's Word.
Well, hope everyone is off to a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Kid Pics
Nathan riding buckaroo......
Nathan trying to escape...he's actually pretty fast!
Let's see what I can get into...
Oh...what did I find?
Mollie giving Natty her first piano lessons...
Ooooh...the kitty box, did they leave me any goodies?
Nathan - The Pet
Natty got this 3-foot long piece of licorice from the Day of the Teacher Bash at CNTA. Poor Nathan was at the mercy of our not-so-innocent Princess. :) Enjoy!
Big sisters - What can I say?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
What Matters...
Been in a reflective mood lately...I've had a tremendous load on my plate that I have secretly been trying to "pray" away. However, this 'load' I've been trying to get rid of has really put things into perspective for me.
We have had to look and wait for over a year to find the house the Lord has for us. The process hasn't been easy. We have cut our budget to the BARE minimum. Many times I just want to throw up my hands and say, I'm done, I'm tired, and I'm through.
Then, I walk upstairs and see our beautiful daughter sleeping in our bed waiting for little brother to fall asleep. Or I walk in to pick up our little Prince who's upset to console him. And they take a good tug at my heartstrings. I seen them running (crawling) around the apartment, and I look into their eyes and I just want to give the world to them.
Then, I realize that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, of monetary value that would mean ANYTHING to them if they do not know the love of Jesus. So, my perspective changes. I give up "me" time, and we have "our" time. I take Nathan's slobbery kisses and Natty's hugs, while getting smeared by the leftovers of her dinner that made it onto her clothes, hair, and body. I nod off while holding Nathan because he's been upset and doesn't want to be put down. But I realize every stroke on his face is a reminder to him of how much I love him. I acknowledge Natty screaming "STAR" in the backseat for the 20th time because she sees the Carl's Jr. sign off the freeway instead of telling her to be quiet because I know she'll feel appreciated. I don't look forward to their bedtimes, no matter how tired I am, because I know I am that much closer to having to leave them again in the morning for work.
This has all been on my mind because Sunday, 2 days ago, was Mother's Day. A lot of women asked me how I was going to be spending my day, and wished me some "alone" and "relaxing" mommy-time. To me, Mommy-Time could not possibly have been anything else but spending it with my family. I am a mother, I am a wife. "Alone-time", whatever that is, is something that I have willingly surrendered. To me, I want to know that my family feels loved and taken care of. And if, by chance, I get a green-tea latte or a passion ice tea lemonade thrown into the mix, well, that's just the cherry on top.
I really don't know where I was getting at with this blog. But if you've read it this far, thanks for reading. I know you all have a wonderful Tuesday.
- My kids don't necessarily sport the latest fashions.
- But they are beautiful inside and out.
- Often times, you find them running around with unkept hair and sporting dirt various places on their body and clothes.
- But they are almost, ALWAYS happy, joyful, and smiling.
- We can't really afford to eat out at super fancy restaurants.
- But we always share meals together as a family.
- Our living room is almost, ALWAYS in a state of chaos.
- But I know the chaos came out of the kids having fun with us.
- Our weekly menu usually consists of 2 nights of pasta, hamburger helper, or some other cheapo meal. We are also always trying to find our weekly 99 cents deals.
- We know we always have enough food for all of us, and we aren't going hungry. We also found I FAVORITE taco place.
- We always shop off of the clearance racks, and almost always with a coupon.
- Our family is clothed, and presentable.
We have had to look and wait for over a year to find the house the Lord has for us. The process hasn't been easy. We have cut our budget to the BARE minimum. Many times I just want to throw up my hands and say, I'm done, I'm tired, and I'm through.
Then, I walk upstairs and see our beautiful daughter sleeping in our bed waiting for little brother to fall asleep. Or I walk in to pick up our little Prince who's upset to console him. And they take a good tug at my heartstrings. I seen them running (crawling) around the apartment, and I look into their eyes and I just want to give the world to them.
Then, I realize that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, of monetary value that would mean ANYTHING to them if they do not know the love of Jesus. So, my perspective changes. I give up "me" time, and we have "our" time. I take Nathan's slobbery kisses and Natty's hugs, while getting smeared by the leftovers of her dinner that made it onto her clothes, hair, and body. I nod off while holding Nathan because he's been upset and doesn't want to be put down. But I realize every stroke on his face is a reminder to him of how much I love him. I acknowledge Natty screaming "STAR" in the backseat for the 20th time because she sees the Carl's Jr. sign off the freeway instead of telling her to be quiet because I know she'll feel appreciated. I don't look forward to their bedtimes, no matter how tired I am, because I know I am that much closer to having to leave them again in the morning for work.
This has all been on my mind because Sunday, 2 days ago, was Mother's Day. A lot of women asked me how I was going to be spending my day, and wished me some "alone" and "relaxing" mommy-time. To me, Mommy-Time could not possibly have been anything else but spending it with my family. I am a mother, I am a wife. "Alone-time", whatever that is, is something that I have willingly surrendered. To me, I want to know that my family feels loved and taken care of. And if, by chance, I get a green-tea latte or a passion ice tea lemonade thrown into the mix, well, that's just the cherry on top.
I really don't know where I was getting at with this blog. But if you've read it this far, thanks for reading. I know you all have a wonderful Tuesday.
Mother's Day May 2010
I would never trade this for any job, title, recognition...for anything, anyone, anywhere.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I cannot believe I did not include any updates on Nathan! Ugh! Bad Mommy!, here is a blog totally dedicated to Nathan and what he's been up to. Nathan turned 9 months on the 18th of April. I cannot get over how fast he's growing. He is pretty much in 18 mts. clothes sizes. I can't get over that either. Natty was always in the very next size category. Nathan seems to be growing at lightening speed. Our little man has 8 pearly whites - 4 top and 4 bottom. He has the MOST handsome smile. He absolutely LOVES table foods. He gets very jealous of what we're eating and always wants in on the action. His recent favorites are cheerios, watermelon, noodles, rice, and chicken (from Chick fil A of course!). And of course we've got our little noodles and rice King going - that's that Asian blood coming out! :) He loves watching Baby Einstein and Veggietales with his sister. He is also climbing on anything, and everything. No walking yet, or standing on his own. It know it's coming up though. Here are some pictures of our little prince. Enjoy guys!
Our Happy Boy!
Partners in
There's that smile!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Update Update!
Wow, I think this has been the longest I have gone without blogging. I've actually been on pretty consistently to catch up on family and friends, but I just haven't found the time lately to update my own. BOY, do I have some BIG news to update you guys with. Here's what our family's been up since March, lol.
Yes! We are in the exciting stage of escrow. We will be moving in about 45 days into Riverside. We're so excited. I know it will be more of a reality when we get the keys, but we are so grately to see the end of renting in sight.
Somethings we are so very thankful about...
Thanks for reading my very lenghty blog. I cannot wait to share pictures with all of you - COMING SOON!
- I went back on track the last week of March. I tried to thoroughly enjoy my last month "off track" as our school is going traditional in the fall. Time with the kids are sure bittersweet.
- Tim has been teaching his first college level class (he acutally finished it last Monday). CBU has the HOTTEST CIS adjunct EVER!
- Budget cuts around the district has had everyone grumpy. Work has been very difficult in that sense.
- My students are ready to graduate (not literally). It's been difficult to motivate them to keep pushing onwards.
- Natty started up round 2 of "gym-sticks" (gymnastics) - as she calls it.
Yes! We are in the exciting stage of escrow. We will be moving in about 45 days into Riverside. We're so excited. I know it will be more of a reality when we get the keys, but we are so grately to see the end of renting in sight.
Somethings we are so very thankful about...
- God knew which house was ours and kept us sane until we found it.
- God has been in charge and in the fore-front of our finances and has truly made all this possible - AND BETTER - than we expected.
- Our kids will each have their VERY OWN room!
- We will have a yard for the kids to run around and BE KIDS!
- There is a park within walking distance, with an awesome playground area, and very well kept.
- NO HOA's.
Thanks for reading my very lenghty blog. I cannot wait to share pictures with all of you - COMING SOON!
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