Saturday, November 27, 2010


Ok guys!  It's that time of year again!  Time to get those family updates up and going; Christmas cards signed and ready to ship out! 

If you're looking for some affordable, reasonable, and quality personalized cards to order, I'd highly recommend Shutterfly.  There having a great promotion you can check out right HERE.

I like shutterfly because I can get so creative with gifts for family members.  Mugs, photo books, photo calendars, and such.  Photos are easy to upload.  Shutterfly also makes it super easy to customize your gift.  I also like that there is always a special going on.  Their prices really are great.

So, if you're needing cards, check it out!  If you're looking for gifts, check it out!  They don't disappoint!

Family + Food = Fabulous!

We hosted Thanksgiving this year in celebration of finally making it into our home.  We were pretty jazzed and excited about the whole Thanksgiving dinner feast preparation.  We had both sides of parents over, and we had a blast!  (Sorry the pics are a little out of order.)


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Natty!

My daughter is a few days shy of being 3-years old!  I cannot believe how slow time seems to go by when you're pregnant, but when they're born, your kids grow up way too fast.  I miss Natty being a baby, but I wouldn't trade any of this for anything right now.  She has grown into such a wonderful little girl.  She cares about her brother, and she shares with her friends.  She has a caring spirit, and loves to help me out.  Her favorite right now is, still, loading the washer and dryer.  She loves going to Sunday school, and has a great attitude.  She has also taken a very awesome interest in prayer.  Her prayers are so simple, but at the same time, I'm astounded with what she comes up with to prayer for - and she NEVER leaves anyone out.  She'll pray for the entire family.  It just melts my heart.  

Here is Natty this morning...
Dear Natty,

Today we celebrated your birthday with family and friends.  You were so excited and were showered with so many gifts.  I would just like you to know how very much your father and I love you, and that you bring such joy into our lives.  I am so proud of you, and love you more and more everyday!  Happy Birthday Princess!!!