Well, I've been back to work from maternity leave for about 3 weeks now. For the most part, I think I've started to fall into a rhythm of how the week goes. I'm happy to be back, but at the same time, I'd rather much stay home with the kids. Especially if you have Mondays like mine. Sometimes I just get so discouraged that most of my students really do not care about their future, education, or career. I just feel bad because at times I feel like the students' behaviors reflect who I am as a teacher. I sometimes wish I could just "fix" everyone - their homelife, their disability, their outlook, etc. I know it's not my job to fix people, but I can't help it sometimes.
I've haven't blogged in about 2+ weeks. Needless to say, the kids keep me very busy - in a VERY good way. I would not change it for anything. The kids are really doing great. Natty's language continues to develop at a very fast pace. She says quite a few 2-word sentences now. It is awesome to see how she processes information. Nathan continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He is in 6 months clothing, and he is 2 1/2 months old. Our Pediatrician says he is very solid and very healthy - definitely going to take after Daddy.
Well, Tim and I would sure appreciate you guys keeping us in prayer. We have just been hit with quite a few trials. It's all been quite discouraging, but we rest in the truth that they are momentary, they will strengthen our faith, and that God knows what He's doing. While we're not glad with all the trials, we gladly accept what the Lord would have us learn.
Happy Monday Everyone!