- Arinda is on maternity leave with Baby Nattaya.
- Tim turns 27! (Gettin' close to 30!)
- Arinda goes back to work (boo!).
- Arinda turns 25 ( a 1/4 of a century, yikes!).
- We celebrated our 2nd Valentines Day as a married couple.
- Off track time with Natty.
- Our first big outting as a family - Aquarium of the Pacific!
- Back to work for Arinda.
- Arinda's aunt from Thailand comes to visit and meets Natty for the first time!
- Arinda completes all her BTSA training! Yeah!
- Arinda completes her 2nd year of full time teaching.
- Proud to see her group of 8th graders graduated onto High School.
- Off track time!
- Teaching year 3 beings, and so does Arinda's Level II credentials.
- Tim begins the last stretch for his Masters.
- Tim's been at Office Max for a year! Woo Hoo for a raise!
- Lauren turns 1 and Curtis turns 3! Natty goes to a birthday party!
- We celebrate our 2nd anniversary - Yummy "On the Border!"
- Arinda made Natty's costume - by herself!
- Arinda got a root canal - on Halloween. Bah!
- We found out the Lord is blessing us with Baby #2!
- Natty turns one!
- Arinda finishes 4/5 classes.
- Tim's done with classwork for his Masters! (Woo! Hoo!)
- Arinda's done with school for her Level II credential.
- Arinda is 13 weeks along.
- Natty likes candy canes.